Hi... maybe someone can help me. I am 34 and have worked out for 15 years. I have a good work ethic in the gym and a clean diet. But I need to lose body fat... I am 5'4" 135lbs. My BF is probably about 16% ( a guess on my part). Some girls at the gym told me that they use GH to stay lean and got me a box. I asked my boyfriend, a doctor, about this and he said that it should work well… but that he had little experience with women on hormones. So I am trying it anyway. It is legitimate as best I can tell... Serostim 6mg X 7 vials lot # mph551a1 exp 05/2004. I started taking 1 unit per day (1/2 in am and 1/2 pm) for 3 weeks. My boyfriend had some Primobolan and started me on 25 mg per week... he is pretty cautious about women on hormones… even though he does enough stuff to kill a horse. Well… nothing was happening at 3 weeks. He told me to stay with it... but, I changed to 2 units/day(1 in am and 1 pm). I have been giving this sub Q for 2 weeks now. I now have a signinficant amount of water retention. My face, feet, and hands are swollen. And I am not fitting into my clothes well. My boyfriend double-checked my dosage to make sure I was doing it right. It has been 5 weeks, and I am totally discouraged. I have no experience with GH and need some SOUND advice. What can I do differently? Can I lose body fat with GH? Is this a waste of my money? Is the water gain a transient thing and should I push on? If not, why does everyone rave over the great effects they get from this stuff. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. If you know anyone that can help, can I email them... preferrably a woman who has used before...