10% OFF ALL local items..
Pay with Bitcoin..................Additional 10% off. (20% total discount)
Pay with Bank Wire.............Additional 13% off. (23% total discount)
Gobble until you wobble, and shop until you drop..
(CLICK the Perky-Turkey to begin with your LOCAL SAVINGS)

PS...Don't forget to gear-up on our LOCAL "BULK" deals too...
(Down shift and click the gears below, don't let this this gear deal slip away)

Ad by Vision
Pay with Bank Wire.............Additional 13% off. (23% total discount)
Gobble until you wobble, and shop until you drop..
(CLICK the Perky-Turkey to begin with your LOCAL SAVINGS)

PS...Don't forget to gear-up on our LOCAL "BULK" deals too...
(Down shift and click the gears below, don't let this this gear deal slip away)

Ad by Vision