Shit that is skinny - you are an extreme ectomorph.
Some tips:
- limit cardio, as it may result in muscle wastage particularly on an ectomorph. If you really want to do cardio, don't do long runs, but consider HIT sprints (particularly on inclines which develop good calves) and cycles for 20-30 minutes. If you need to run for a sport you play, see if you can limit the runs to 30 minutes.
- eat lots of food and regularly - 5-6 times per day. Increase your calories by 10% each week and see what happens. Try first to eat something similar to 50% carbs; 30% protein; 20 % fat and experiment if this fails. There is no magical forumla, but as a hard gainer, you'd probably want at least 40% carb, at least 30% protein. What you want is calorie dense carbs (e.g., pasta, oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes) as things like brocolli will make you too full. Make milk shakes with a couple of eggs in them to increase the calories.
- of course, do weights. Given your young and possibly still growing (which could explain the fast metabolism), don't do low repetition weights. Aim for 3-5 1 hour sessions per week (see the bodybuilding forum sites for this). Make sure you consume 40grams of whey + 60 grams dextrose or something similar after this.
Good luck! Bewarned that you will be doing well if you gain 10-15 pounds of muscle in the year.