You will gain on that stack if you can tolerate it, eat enough, and take the proper dosages. So what is your experience with steroids? If this is your first cycle I would recommend just running straight test at 500 mg a week. Then when you do cycle 2 add in one other and then on your third add the third in. In this way if you have a negative reaction to one you will know which one it is.
On a side note with Tren, I take it and love it, but before you take it you need to make sure the rest of your life is in a good place. Tren increases aggression in some and if your already dealing with aggression issues you may want to steer clear. Other than that I love it, been as horny as shit, but luckily my wife is all about being tapped 3-5 times a day, granted that could be the Var for her! lol