Hello guys
I want to ask a few questions about a future cycle i want to run. i say future because i am not ready phisically so it's useless to say or think to run it now.
My data (please take time to read everything and don't just stop to height and weight)
age 23, 170cm currently 55-56 kg bf 13-14% (more 14 than 13%)
You'll see 55kg and you'll think "ok this guy doesen't eat and train". I have to admit that my diet is not the best possible right now, training too, but that's because i'm in egypt now (have been for 3 months) and the situation isn't good to go to the gym, there are riots practically every day.. and regarding food... no comment... but let's get back to the thread
Before comming to egypt, from january to april i trained and with exercice and diet i gained 7kg (yes i was 48kg)
But that's "normal" for me i have always been skinny, whether i was eating a little, or more... never went over the 50kg barrier before my diet changed with supplements.
This i think is partially caused by genetics, i have the same body type as my father, lean, skinny and elastic.
Anyways my "normal time" diet is this
4-5 eggs + 3-400ml full fat milk + 100g bread + 150-200g fava beans (arabic foul medammas)
or sometimes 50g oats cooked with 200ml milk + 2 spoons of honey + 100g bread + fruit jam and butter
multivitamins + omega 3
snack before lunch
100g bread + 100g salami/turkey
or isometimes 150g gainer + 200ml milk
30-40g dried fruit (pistachios-nuts)
150g (dry) pasta + 30g parmigiano cheese or 120g (dry) rice
250g meat (beef, chicken, turkey... depends on the day)
lots of veggies, salad etc
sometimes i add 100g potatoes with chicken
10g evo oil
pinch of seasonning for salad, evo+vinegar+salt
snack pre wo (2 hours before wo)
mostly gainer 100g + milk 150ml + 30-40 dried fruit (pistachios-nuts)
post wo
40g maltodextrin + 40g dextrose + 30g isolates
like lunch, but less pasta/rice
pre bed
200g cottage cheese or 30g parmigiano cheese
That's basically my diet, back in italy
Now it's... different... i have less calories intake so i decided to run that method, GOMAD... i hope it will help keep the calories intake enough to gain some weight until i get back
Training is ok, but as i said my genetics really don't help. i have been training since i was 16, and have been training seriously for 2 years now.
before i added gainer and malto-dextrose i couldn't gain a pound...so i guess i need a lot of calories to actually grow naturally.
Now on the aas side, i will be honest, i don't like aas or the idea of taking them. it's the last resort for me actually, i really train hard and eat as much as i can.
I just want to achieve an aesthetic body, so hp0 will be the best for me... 70kg should be the ideal weight.
If i started now it would mean a 15kg gain, but taking aas now doesen't make sense since diet and trainig are rubbish.
i was planning on getting the gear now and use it when i'll be back on track with both good diet and training, and maybe when i'll reach 60-65kg.
I will take the gear only when ready, so it it will be in 6-8-12-18 months doesen't make a real difference. I can wait.
I want to get a few things from here for 4 reasons:
I can get the gear at a real cheap price with euro-egp change
I am sure that i'll be getting rel gear and not fake stuff
I will not be risking penal charges for buying aas on the net (it italy almost every package comming from outside the coutry is checked by customs)
I will not be paying 3-400 euro for the same stuff i can get here at 100-150 euro
My goal is aesthetic body, so ideal weight will be hp0 70kg or around that.
Assuming i will take gear when i'll be around 65kg @ 170cm bf14 i will be looking to gain max 10kg during cycle that will come down to 5-6 kg after cycle.
I will want both muscle gain and muscle hardness/quality but i'd rather run a cycle that gives me less muscle quantity and more quality than the opposite. I don't really care about size, quality matters a lot more to me.
What i can get here
Testosterone prop 25mg + 50mg vit E injectable
Winstrol 5mg tabs and 20mg injectable
Primobolan 100mg injectable
Anavar (forgot to ask dosage)
Dianabol 10mg tabs
Decadurabolin 25 and 50mg injectable
Maybe i can get trenbolone but still not sure
I will be getting some win and var for a friend so i thought i could also get the stuff for me and put it away until the time comes to use it.
And if i will never have to opportunity to use the stuff, then it will not be a problem. I can risk to throw 150 euro down the toilet, that's better than risking both to pay double/triple to take the same stuff and risk penal charges.
I was thinking of this cycle for my goal : testosterone + win + anavar + tren (if available)
Also if you can tell me what oct and pct should i take it will be great so i can buy everything and put them away waiting for the right time to use them.
i thought of hcg ,clomid and nolva. but have no clue of dosages and timings...
Thak you all
ps : As i said i am not huge fan of aas, but i still decided to run a cycle... i want to run a cycle and possibly make it my first and last cycle. my goal isn't to bulk up 20-30kg... if i took them now i should gain maximum 15kg and would have reached my goal.
If i will be satisfied with the results i will stop aas and continue training without them, if a second cycle will still be necessary i will run that cycle too, but only 6-8 months (minimum) after the first cycle to see what i can achieve after that first cycle without aas
So with that said, i don't mind running a "harder" cycle if that can help gettin both better results and help me avoid future cycles. I also ran a complete hormonal and blood test to have reference values and use them to compare values after the cycle to see if there's something wrong.
I want to ask a few questions about a future cycle i want to run. i say future because i am not ready phisically so it's useless to say or think to run it now.
My data (please take time to read everything and don't just stop to height and weight)
age 23, 170cm currently 55-56 kg bf 13-14% (more 14 than 13%)
You'll see 55kg and you'll think "ok this guy doesen't eat and train". I have to admit that my diet is not the best possible right now, training too, but that's because i'm in egypt now (have been for 3 months) and the situation isn't good to go to the gym, there are riots practically every day.. and regarding food... no comment... but let's get back to the thread
Before comming to egypt, from january to april i trained and with exercice and diet i gained 7kg (yes i was 48kg)
But that's "normal" for me i have always been skinny, whether i was eating a little, or more... never went over the 50kg barrier before my diet changed with supplements.
This i think is partially caused by genetics, i have the same body type as my father, lean, skinny and elastic.
Anyways my "normal time" diet is this
4-5 eggs + 3-400ml full fat milk + 100g bread + 150-200g fava beans (arabic foul medammas)
or sometimes 50g oats cooked with 200ml milk + 2 spoons of honey + 100g bread + fruit jam and butter
multivitamins + omega 3
snack before lunch
100g bread + 100g salami/turkey
or isometimes 150g gainer + 200ml milk
30-40g dried fruit (pistachios-nuts)
150g (dry) pasta + 30g parmigiano cheese or 120g (dry) rice
250g meat (beef, chicken, turkey... depends on the day)
lots of veggies, salad etc
sometimes i add 100g potatoes with chicken
10g evo oil
pinch of seasonning for salad, evo+vinegar+salt
snack pre wo (2 hours before wo)
mostly gainer 100g + milk 150ml + 30-40 dried fruit (pistachios-nuts)
post wo
40g maltodextrin + 40g dextrose + 30g isolates
like lunch, but less pasta/rice
pre bed
200g cottage cheese or 30g parmigiano cheese
That's basically my diet, back in italy
Now it's... different... i have less calories intake so i decided to run that method, GOMAD... i hope it will help keep the calories intake enough to gain some weight until i get back
Training is ok, but as i said my genetics really don't help. i have been training since i was 16, and have been training seriously for 2 years now.
before i added gainer and malto-dextrose i couldn't gain a pound...so i guess i need a lot of calories to actually grow naturally.
Now on the aas side, i will be honest, i don't like aas or the idea of taking them. it's the last resort for me actually, i really train hard and eat as much as i can.
I just want to achieve an aesthetic body, so hp0 will be the best for me... 70kg should be the ideal weight.
If i started now it would mean a 15kg gain, but taking aas now doesen't make sense since diet and trainig are rubbish.
i was planning on getting the gear now and use it when i'll be back on track with both good diet and training, and maybe when i'll reach 60-65kg.
I will take the gear only when ready, so it it will be in 6-8-12-18 months doesen't make a real difference. I can wait.
I want to get a few things from here for 4 reasons:
I can get the gear at a real cheap price with euro-egp change
I am sure that i'll be getting rel gear and not fake stuff
I will not be risking penal charges for buying aas on the net (it italy almost every package comming from outside the coutry is checked by customs)
I will not be paying 3-400 euro for the same stuff i can get here at 100-150 euro
My goal is aesthetic body, so ideal weight will be hp0 70kg or around that.
Assuming i will take gear when i'll be around 65kg @ 170cm bf14 i will be looking to gain max 10kg during cycle that will come down to 5-6 kg after cycle.
I will want both muscle gain and muscle hardness/quality but i'd rather run a cycle that gives me less muscle quantity and more quality than the opposite. I don't really care about size, quality matters a lot more to me.
What i can get here
Testosterone prop 25mg + 50mg vit E injectable
Winstrol 5mg tabs and 20mg injectable
Primobolan 100mg injectable
Anavar (forgot to ask dosage)
Dianabol 10mg tabs
Decadurabolin 25 and 50mg injectable
Maybe i can get trenbolone but still not sure
I will be getting some win and var for a friend so i thought i could also get the stuff for me and put it away until the time comes to use it.
And if i will never have to opportunity to use the stuff, then it will not be a problem. I can risk to throw 150 euro down the toilet, that's better than risking both to pay double/triple to take the same stuff and risk penal charges.
I was thinking of this cycle for my goal : testosterone + win + anavar + tren (if available)
Also if you can tell me what oct and pct should i take it will be great so i can buy everything and put them away waiting for the right time to use them.
i thought of hcg ,clomid and nolva. but have no clue of dosages and timings...
Thak you all
ps : As i said i am not huge fan of aas, but i still decided to run a cycle... i want to run a cycle and possibly make it my first and last cycle. my goal isn't to bulk up 20-30kg... if i took them now i should gain maximum 15kg and would have reached my goal.
If i will be satisfied with the results i will stop aas and continue training without them, if a second cycle will still be necessary i will run that cycle too, but only 6-8 months (minimum) after the first cycle to see what i can achieve after that first cycle without aas
So with that said, i don't mind running a "harder" cycle if that can help gettin both better results and help me avoid future cycles. I also ran a complete hormonal and blood test to have reference values and use them to compare values after the cycle to see if there's something wrong.