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future first cycle and pct advices


New member
Hello guys

I want to ask a few questions about a future cycle i want to run. i say future because i am not ready phisically so it's useless to say or think to run it now.

My data (please take time to read everything and don't just stop to height and weight)

age 23, 170cm currently 55-56 kg bf 13-14% (more 14 than 13%)

You'll see 55kg and you'll think "ok this guy doesen't eat and train". I have to admit that my diet is not the best possible right now, training too, but that's because i'm in egypt now (have been for 3 months) and the situation isn't good to go to the gym, there are riots practically every day.. and regarding food... no comment... but let's get back to the thread

Before comming to egypt, from january to april i trained and with exercice and diet i gained 7kg (yes i was 48kg)
But that's "normal" for me i have always been skinny, whether i was eating a little, or more... never went over the 50kg barrier before my diet changed with supplements.
This i think is partially caused by genetics, i have the same body type as my father, lean, skinny and elastic.

Anyways my "normal time" diet is this


4-5 eggs + 3-400ml full fat milk + 100g bread + 150-200g fava beans (arabic foul medammas)
or sometimes 50g oats cooked with 200ml milk + 2 spoons of honey + 100g bread + fruit jam and butter

multivitamins + omega 3

snack before lunch

100g bread + 100g salami/turkey
or isometimes 150g gainer + 200ml milk
30-40g dried fruit (pistachios-nuts)


150g (dry) pasta + 30g parmigiano cheese or 120g (dry) rice
250g meat (beef, chicken, turkey... depends on the day)
lots of veggies, salad etc
sometimes i add 100g potatoes with chicken
10g evo oil
pinch of seasonning for salad, evo+vinegar+salt

snack pre wo (2 hours before wo)

mostly gainer 100g + milk 150ml + 30-40 dried fruit (pistachios-nuts)

post wo

40g maltodextrin + 40g dextrose + 30g isolates


like lunch, but less pasta/rice

pre bed

200g cottage cheese or 30g parmigiano cheese

That's basically my diet, back in italy

Now it's... different... i have less calories intake so i decided to run that method, GOMAD... i hope it will help keep the calories intake enough to gain some weight until i get back

Training is ok, but as i said my genetics really don't help. i have been training since i was 16, and have been training seriously for 2 years now.
before i added gainer and malto-dextrose i couldn't gain a i guess i need a lot of calories to actually grow naturally.

Now on the aas side, i will be honest, i don't like aas or the idea of taking them. it's the last resort for me actually, i really train hard and eat as much as i can.
I just want to achieve an aesthetic body, so hp0 will be the best for me... 70kg should be the ideal weight.
If i started now it would mean a 15kg gain, but taking aas now doesen't make sense since diet and trainig are rubbish.

i was planning on getting the gear now and use it when i'll be back on track with both good diet and training, and maybe when i'll reach 60-65kg.

I will take the gear only when ready, so it it will be in 6-8-12-18 months doesen't make a real difference. I can wait.

I want to get a few things from here for 4 reasons:

I can get the gear at a real cheap price with euro-egp change
I am sure that i'll be getting rel gear and not fake stuff
I will not be risking penal charges for buying aas on the net (it italy almost every package comming from outside the coutry is checked by customs)
I will not be paying 3-400 euro for the same stuff i can get here at 100-150 euro

My goal is aesthetic body, so ideal weight will be hp0 70kg or around that.
Assuming i will take gear when i'll be around 65kg @ 170cm bf14 i will be looking to gain max 10kg during cycle that will come down to 5-6 kg after cycle.

I will want both muscle gain and muscle hardness/quality but i'd rather run a cycle that gives me less muscle quantity and more quality than the opposite. I don't really care about size, quality matters a lot more to me.

What i can get here

Testosterone prop 25mg + 50mg vit E injectable
Winstrol 5mg tabs and 20mg injectable
Primobolan 100mg injectable
Anavar (forgot to ask dosage)
Dianabol 10mg tabs
Decadurabolin 25 and 50mg injectable

Maybe i can get trenbolone but still not sure

I will be getting some win and var for a friend so i thought i could also get the stuff for me and put it away until the time comes to use it.

And if i will never have to opportunity to use the stuff, then it will not be a problem. I can risk to throw 150 euro down the toilet, that's better than risking both to pay double/triple to take the same stuff and risk penal charges.

I was thinking of this cycle for my goal : testosterone + win + anavar + tren (if available)

Also if you can tell me what oct and pct should i take it will be great so i can buy everything and put them away waiting for the right time to use them.
i thought of hcg ,clomid and nolva. but have no clue of dosages and timings...

Thak you all

ps : As i said i am not huge fan of aas, but i still decided to run a cycle... i want to run a cycle and possibly make it my first and last cycle. my goal isn't to bulk up 20-30kg... if i took them now i should gain maximum 15kg and would have reached my goal.
If i will be satisfied with the results i will stop aas and continue training without them, if a second cycle will still be necessary i will run that cycle too, but only 6-8 months (minimum) after the first cycle to see what i can achieve after that first cycle without aas
So with that said, i don't mind running a "harder" cycle if that can help gettin both better results and help me avoid future cycles. I also ran a complete hormonal and blood test to have reference values and use them to compare values after the cycle to see if there's something wrong.
okay guys i did some further research on the listed aas and the have shortened the list to theese : test - bdol - winny - anavar
dropped tren for the hard sides, same for deca

as for now i have thought on theese cycles...

(dbol winny and anavar all orals)

1 : test prop + vit E 525mg ew (3x25mg ed) 1-12 + dbol kickstart 30/40mg ed 1-4 (or 1-6)

2 : test prop + vit E 525mg ew (3x25mg ed) 1-12 + winny kickstart 75mg ed 1-4 (or 1-6)

3 : test prop + vit E 525mg ew (3x25mg ed) 1-12 + dbol kickstart 30/40mg ed 1-4 (or 1-6) + anavar 6-12 40md ed (but it costs too much, looking to see if i can find tbol at an affordable price)

in the third one i added var because as i said in the first post i am more interested in muscle quality than quantity. that's also why i'd rather go with anavar instead of tbol even f i still plan on gaining 10-15kg max

between 1 and 2 i would rather go with the winny + test than dbol to avoid the water retention but still don't know which one would be better for me. i read that winny is hell for joints.
the only positive thing for dbol instead of winny is the price. i can run a 4 week kickstart of dbol at 1/6 of the price of winny kickstart cycle.

as for oct-pct i'm still working on it...

i read in needtogetaas's thread that i can take winny as prolactin antagonizer @ 10mg x 2 ed 1-6 (but how would that work if i run test + winny cycle ? )

i thought of doing

winny 1-6 2x10mg ed (if i tun test + dbol)
hcg 500iu x 2 ew 8-12
nolva 40mg ed 10-12 + 40mg ed 12-15 if there are signs of gyno, or take it down to 20mg ed 12-15 if there are no visible signs of gyno
clomid 50mg ed 12-15

advices ?
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no one guys ? just a little advice please, i will not be here for a long time and i want to be sure of what to buy.

i think my first cycle will be test only, but i'm planning on getting aas for 2 cycles seeing the low prices in here. (so first cycle test and second test + oral)


i thought of this cycles

1 : test prop + vit E 525mg ew (3x25mg ED) 1-12 + dbol kickstart 30/40mg ED 1-4 (or 1-6)

2 : test prop + vit E 525mg ew (3x25mg ED) 1-12 + winny kickstart 75mg ED 1-4 (or 1-6)

3 : test prop + vit E 525mg ew (3x25mg ED) 1-12 + dbol or winny kickstart ED 1-4 + tbol 8-12

4 : test prop + vit E 525mg ew (3x25mg ED) 1-12 + tbol kickstart ED 1-4 (or 1-6)


1- test prop is it good for first cycle ? i read that it will hurt on virgin muscles... but right now it's the only test i can get.

2- as test prop doesen't need 3-4 weeks like test e to kick in, is a 12 week too long, or still good to go ?

3- i though i could start test prop with 250mg ew instead of a massive 500mg ew to see how my body reacts to that and to try to get out the maximum benefit with the minimum dose possible. is 250mg ew ok or i will need a bit more ?

4- is it good to run test + dbol kick start + win as end of cycle ? or perhaps test + dbol or win kick start + tbol end of cycle ?

5- can i take test prop every day or it has to be taken eod ? i thought that if i take it every day doses will be smaller, so pain should be less in the injection site and that would also help maintaining the test level constant...
do smaller doses actually hurt less or pain is not depending on the dose ? i will be fine with pinning if it will help reduce pain, as i read that test prop and virgin muscles isn't a good combo.

i will get 1ml amps each containing 25mg/ml test prop + 50mg/ml vit E (so i guess each amp only with 12.5mg test prop.
if i do everyday injections to get approx 450mg/week it would be 5 amps, i could inject 2 amps in the right quad, 2 in the left and one let's say in the delt or pecs.

but if this is actually not going to help for pain and will be a problem for rotation then i'll stick with one injection ed or even eod...
Dude ur.tryn add mass and ur measuring essential foods by grams...........
Bf - 1cup cooked oats
1-2 scoops whey
2 tbsp peanut butter
Small banana
Mix/ blend all this with water..or 1-2 cups milk if u want more.cals

Lunch 2 cups rice, 6-8 oz.chicken and add in some.flax seeds or some aort of fat

Dinner - 2 cups rice or a large potatoe with ground.beef or a medium steak/beef

Bedtime snack - 2cups milk or 1 cup cottage.cheese

Throw in random snacks in between or add another meal and ull def gain advice dont start aad.just yet..if ur.gonna do it...get your natty gains maximized bro

Sent from my SGH-I896 using EliteFitness
that's what i'll definetly do. i measure food by grams to eat that minimum ammount of food, if i can i do eat more obviously. that is the minimum i eat at each meal

btw i forgot to say that i will use aas only when i'll reach a solid 60-65kg. i use oxycodone (and used to take codeine before) for chronic pain since i was 16. i know very good the meanings of both "side effect" and "withdrawal"

rest assured i will not take aas with my actual stats, i will not risk to jeoparadize my health by getting only side effects and not getting any results. i will take aas only when i'll be ready, so if it will be in 6-8-12 or more months that's not big deal to me. i can wait. expiry dates are nearly for two years so i'll have plenty of time to get a solid base and use aas.

i want to buy the stuff now that i'm here only because it's really cheap and legit 100% (sometimes 1/4 of the price in u.s.) and because buying aas on the net in italy is severly prohibited, if i get caught with aas in a postal package i risk severe penal charges.... this way is both cheaper and easyer.

and if something goes wrong, for example if i get severe side effects from one of the orals or from high doses of test i'd rather spend 100-150 euro now and risk to throw them down the toilet than pay the double or more and have to get rid of the gear (i will throw it if something goes wrong, i will not risk to sell it to anybody)

so just a matter of less risk and cheaper prices.

anyways thanks for the meal tips :)
up, i'm leaving very soon. need some advice

i decided to run test prop 300-350 ew with ed injections
now i only need to know waht is best between dbol tbol and win (all orals)

i'd rather go with win than dbol for gyno and water retention.
for tbol i have to idea if it's good for me.

as said before i don't want to gain 10kg and loose 7 after cycle (like it would be for dbol for example, it's useless for me)

goal is to gain clean mass, hp0 or around that. no need to look like cuttler or coleman... hp0 or hp+10 will be the maximum.

i will get gear for 2 cycles so even if my first cycle will be test only, i want to buy the oral aas for my second cycle now (i wil run second cycle only 6-8 months after the first one)
Dude.. You're little. 5' 6 120lbs is small as hell. That means, no muscle base. Steroids are for people looking to go beyond genetic potential in muscle mass, not for someone looking for a quick fix. They aren't magic and it doesn't work like that. Your results will be diet and training dependent, steroids are just the tip of the iceberg
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i know they are not magic. my max weight reached with training and exercise is approx 64kg. can't go beyond that with a +4000kcal diet.

i want to buy them now cause theyre cheap in here, and i will not be risking penal charges for buying them on the net from italy that's all... i will use them only when i'll be a solid 65kg natural.
The temptation to use them will be unreal because progress will be slow. You'd be surprised at how your will power may buckle under the pressure of trying to get quick results
yes that's for sure, temptation is a b!tch but even though i will not use them for a simple reason : for my chronic pain ionce used codeine and my addiction went very high in no time... and the result was a lot of pain, lot of addiction and withdrawal was hell...
after that i changed codeine with oxy and always managed the doses and took the drug only when i needed it. i am not willing to jeoparadize my health for getting in return only side effects and 0 result. i already tested that on my skin.

but i have to be sincere, temptation is already here, i can't deny that... or i could but i would be lying ;)
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