My hubby reminded me today about something my oldest daughter did to me when she was 4 years old. Boy kids sure know how to keep you humble.
My oldest daughter came out into this world determined to let the world know her opinion on everything. She cried loud when she was a baby, and she spoke loud as a small child (heck, she still does!) and she had to keep a running commentary on exactly what she was thinking at all times.
So one day at Walmart I was looking for some new underware and my daughter was in the cart watching everything I was doing. All of the sudden she noticed there were some adult sized looney tunes panties beside her. Now I wasn't LOOKING at the looney tunes, but hey, she's four so to her they were the best things going. So she says (loudly of course) "MOMMY, LOOK AT THESE SILLY PANTIES!" (I'm now looking to see if anyone is around) "Very nice hun." "DO YOU WANT TO GET THESE SILLY PANTIES?" (A man walks by) "No, I'm still looking." "MOMMY, YOU NEED TO GET THESE SILLY PANTIES." (more people walking by, some are looking) And then (as a four year old does) she started to sing-song about her thoughts, " . . . MOMMY NEEDS SILLY PANTIES, GET THE SILLY PANTIES, MOMMY LIKES THE SILLY PANTIES . . ."
And all through Walmart, she loudy sang about my like and need for silly panties. I tried and tried to get her to stop, and even got her a cookie (thinking that a full mouth won't talk) but to no avail. I had to leave Walmart with a red face, cringing all the way while she sung her song light heartedly.
Hee hee! It's funny now but it sure was embarassing back then. And to think I had the nerve to have four kids!
My oldest daughter came out into this world determined to let the world know her opinion on everything. She cried loud when she was a baby, and she spoke loud as a small child (heck, she still does!) and she had to keep a running commentary on exactly what she was thinking at all times.
So one day at Walmart I was looking for some new underware and my daughter was in the cart watching everything I was doing. All of the sudden she noticed there were some adult sized looney tunes panties beside her. Now I wasn't LOOKING at the looney tunes, but hey, she's four so to her they were the best things going. So she says (loudly of course) "MOMMY, LOOK AT THESE SILLY PANTIES!" (I'm now looking to see if anyone is around) "Very nice hun." "DO YOU WANT TO GET THESE SILLY PANTIES?" (A man walks by) "No, I'm still looking." "MOMMY, YOU NEED TO GET THESE SILLY PANTIES." (more people walking by, some are looking) And then (as a four year old does) she started to sing-song about her thoughts, " . . . MOMMY NEEDS SILLY PANTIES, GET THE SILLY PANTIES, MOMMY LIKES THE SILLY PANTIES . . ."
And all through Walmart, she loudy sang about my like and need for silly panties. I tried and tried to get her to stop, and even got her a cookie (thinking that a full mouth won't talk) but to no avail. I had to leave Walmart with a red face, cringing all the way while she sung her song light heartedly.
Hee hee! It's funny now but it sure was embarassing back then. And to think I had the nerve to have four kids!