Generally, immediately be suspicious of anyone who says "Oh, you want to compete. I recommend you take this shitload of drugs!"
My first questions are:
- Is this news to her ?-- at 12 weeks out she's given a general statement like "take this pile of controlled substances". For practical reasons are these three items immediately available? Who's providing them? Who's paying for them? If they are available do we know if they are actually real? (Case in point - has anyone seen any *real* primo lately???) And if the comp is 12 weeks away, just the time to acquire these items seems a bit ridiculous. For something that you are devoting 3-4 months of preparation for, don't you think it would be worthwhile to plan the cycle ahead of time too?
From a "let's pay attention to what we are tossing in our body" standpoint, if she's never cycled before, throwing together a nice little roid cocktail like that with no idea of what it will do to her body / how she will react to it is sort of ignorant. How did the winny work for her? If it worked ok, why not just stick with that. Or perhaps keep it really simple and just go with the var. Primo seems to be a bit of an unknown- first of all, for at least the last year, it seems to be very unlikely you will find any real primo. Second, among those girls who have tried primo, only a few liked the results. The results seem to be very person-dependent, which makes it a tricky item to work with if you are banking on certain results within a certain time frame. If something doesn't work & you end up bloated or whatever, could screw the whole comp.
If your friend is serious about following this trainer's advice - ask LOTS of questions as to WHY that combination? What are the brands? Do you know that they are all real? What's the cycle schedule? Is acquiring them an issue - assuming you will have all your goodies on schedule to start your cycle can be a bad move if you don't have it all in front of you NOW and you have a competition in 3 months, during which you are supposed to be starting your cycle.
Generally, particularly because primo is a bit of a wild card, keep it simple - winny + var. Ultimately its her decision to decide what she wants to put in her system, but if there's anything I've gathered from spending time on this board, don't let anyone tell you to just take something until you are completely educated and aware of the results (good & bad) and are willing to take the responsibility for it all. And if you have a competition dependent on it, if you can't bank on the availability of your items & the results, you are risking your competition results. There's always another competition & you can take the time to better prepared for the next one.
Just some thoughts.... I'm sure there are details we don't know from this one post, but the general idea is to be responsible for your body and be informed about what you put in it.