How long ago? Slick Rick was managing the Bolshieveks. In a feud with Young Stallions?? Some nobody that was teamed up with Paul Roma - who was fucking jacked even back then - Dino Bravo had just dyed his hair blonde, Don Muraco had the biggest shoulders in wrestling history and was being managed by SuperStar Graham, Muraco was using the tombstone piledriver to finish off opponents long before the Undertaker was invented. Hercules Hernandez had debuted his new finisher the Back Breaker, which Lex Loser later stole and called it his Torture Rack. Hercules was big as a mofo back then, this was before the whatever-happened that caused him to lose his leg mass. The British Bulldogs (yes, both) Davey Boy and Dynamite Kid were recovering from having their dog Matilda kidnapped. Davey Boy was in a lot better shape then than when he was in WCW or his later tour of WWF. Towards the end of his career he was looking like he was constantly bloated on dbol or anadrol. He looked puffy and fat. Back then on the tape, you could see his six pack, plus he was agile and quite a high flyer.
In the NWA...... Butch Reed was in a feud with Capt Dick Murdoch and killing him with the off top rope shoulder block. Lex Loser (back when he actually had massive thick muscles that look full - not the depleted dieted away scraps he has now) was teaming with Ricky Morton to take on Ric Flair and Michael P.S. Hayes. Hayes delivered his patented DDT escape move - meaning he had Morton set up for the DDT, head tucked under his arm, Luger charged across the ring to clothesline Hayes, Hayes ducked, back flipped Luger across his back and then without letting go of Morton, dropped him down in the DDT. Awesome move. Luger then got up only to have his face introduced into the brass knucks that Hayes carried in his trunks. Flair put the figure four on an unconscious Morton and won the match. Hayes did the moonwalk while Flair did the strut before attacking Luger again. Steamboat made the save (NWA entrance ) Nikita Koloff hit Rocky King with the Russian Sickle from the rear before the match began, Ivan Koloff then hung Rocky King over the top rope with the chain around his neck... Tracey Smother, Brad Armstrong, and Tim Horner all tried to run in and save Rocky King but Nikita knocked each one out with the Russian Sickle as well. rocky king was taken away on a stretcher.
god.. these were the days....
In the NWA...... Butch Reed was in a feud with Capt Dick Murdoch and killing him with the off top rope shoulder block. Lex Loser (back when he actually had massive thick muscles that look full - not the depleted dieted away scraps he has now) was teaming with Ricky Morton to take on Ric Flair and Michael P.S. Hayes. Hayes delivered his patented DDT escape move - meaning he had Morton set up for the DDT, head tucked under his arm, Luger charged across the ring to clothesline Hayes, Hayes ducked, back flipped Luger across his back and then without letting go of Morton, dropped him down in the DDT. Awesome move. Luger then got up only to have his face introduced into the brass knucks that Hayes carried in his trunks. Flair put the figure four on an unconscious Morton and won the match. Hayes did the moonwalk while Flair did the strut before attacking Luger again. Steamboat made the save (NWA entrance ) Nikita Koloff hit Rocky King with the Russian Sickle from the rear before the match began, Ivan Koloff then hung Rocky King over the top rope with the chain around his neck... Tracey Smother, Brad Armstrong, and Tim Horner all tried to run in and save Rocky King but Nikita knocked each one out with the Russian Sickle as well. rocky king was taken away on a stretcher.
god.. these were the days....