New member
First off sorry for my english , i know it sucks but il try be understandable 
Hello all. Im 25yo 1,72cm @ 75kg. 3 years serious lifting. (before that i was trying to lose weight on cardio + bad diet .. anyway)
sort story of me
As a kid i was very active and i was pretty lean. Some time then i had health problems (age of 12+-) and doctors gave me lots of cortizone oral and injectables for some years. I had to stop any gymnastic activity and well for this plus some other reasons i had my downfall and for some years i was doing some shit like gaming + shitty eating = couch potato. Sometime i hitted bottom line @ 132kg. Then i realize this is not what i want to be and started searching the web for how to diet and workout. I hitted the gym @ day 1 and it was hard but i made it lel , im glad i made it because i remember how i was thinking that people will laugh at me or whatever. Well i said they can gtfo. (actually i was wrong , none laughed at me lololol)
anyway , i cut down to 65kg with no muscle at all and then bulk and then cut(repeat some times) and im right now @ 75kg on this end of my current cut. (bf uknown but im not high) I was eating clean as possible but had to stop for 1 year (2012) to serve my country and when i went back on workout-diet i get to better shape in no time.
Let me get this clear. I know what im going to do and i know that even if i research for years i will still had much to learn. Thats why i need ur help please to clear some things in my mind.
I had been thinking for a cycle a year now and im planning to jump on next week or so (when im ready , im not in a rush or whatever). On my bulk i was about 82kg and went down to 75 without losing any strength. (bench 90kg x 8/incline b 80kg x8 , squat 110kg x 8, shoulder press bar 70kg x 6 etc , just to give some tip )
My diet is @ 2500cals and i workout 6 times a week (chest/back/shoulders/bic-tri/legs) with 15-20 min HIIT post eod . Some people say i should been doing 5/week or whatever but its hard for me because i love what im doing , its my hobby
my plan is
week 1-10 500mg/week test e 250mg x 2 (Monday - Thursday)
week 1-12 AI arimidex 0,5mg eod (i was thinking about aromasin but adex is easy to find here when aromasin needs prescription) some people say in case of signs and others to use it anyway , well many opinions hmm and "better safe than sorry" sounds good to me anytime.
week 13-16 PCT clomid 50/50/50/50 (or 50/50/25/25 in case i have nolva). I was thinking to get Nolva too and run it @ 40/40/20/20 but thing is im not sure im able to get it because its like the AI , clomid = free to get and cheap too (like 2 euros per box) when nolva needs prescription.
I wont run hcg and with me research i think its not something that i MUST use on this cycle plus right now its almost impossible to get. Later cycles (il do one or two per year, im not interest to push things like crazy i have some patience
) will be there if i need it.
What do u guys suggest for the pct problem(?) , should i find nolva or i could get it done with clomid and something natural that i dont think there is but just in case..? ? i really dont find anything else like nolva that i can get here. Its really hard to get anything from internet for some reasons at this moment. Thing is i wont jump on without having EVERYTHING on hand whatever people say (gym buddies etc) /care. i like to hold some control over my actions.
il been doing cardio 3 times/week at least.
For my on cycle diet i wont get too specific cause its hard with my sucky english but it will be clean with food sources like chicken/fish/steaks/oats/potatos/seeds/brocoli/spinach/beef etc. i know working fine with me on cutting/bulking and il use it +500cals(i will up more if i need to ).
currently i have in hand clomid , adex and 30x test e amps 250mg/1ml each. I know i can run it 12 weeks but im not sure its the best, opinions depends from person to person.
a recent pic of me half month ago (half way on cut) and its probably the only one i have atm , its before i workout when i open the gym i worked on holidays and took a quick shot because i was bored (people didnt come much then lol)
My current goal is get to 82kg AFTER CUT! so i need to bulk up some lean mass
Pp (well as lean as possible , roids are not miracle juice .. i know xD)
im open to suggestions. THX a lot for ur time
i had to remove the pic for personal reasons , in case someone needs to see it il pm no problem. i just dont like to let it on open view.

Hello all. Im 25yo 1,72cm @ 75kg. 3 years serious lifting. (before that i was trying to lose weight on cardio + bad diet .. anyway)
sort story of me
As a kid i was very active and i was pretty lean. Some time then i had health problems (age of 12+-) and doctors gave me lots of cortizone oral and injectables for some years. I had to stop any gymnastic activity and well for this plus some other reasons i had my downfall and for some years i was doing some shit like gaming + shitty eating = couch potato. Sometime i hitted bottom line @ 132kg. Then i realize this is not what i want to be and started searching the web for how to diet and workout. I hitted the gym @ day 1 and it was hard but i made it lel , im glad i made it because i remember how i was thinking that people will laugh at me or whatever. Well i said they can gtfo. (actually i was wrong , none laughed at me lololol)
anyway , i cut down to 65kg with no muscle at all and then bulk and then cut(repeat some times) and im right now @ 75kg on this end of my current cut. (bf uknown but im not high) I was eating clean as possible but had to stop for 1 year (2012) to serve my country and when i went back on workout-diet i get to better shape in no time.
Let me get this clear. I know what im going to do and i know that even if i research for years i will still had much to learn. Thats why i need ur help please to clear some things in my mind.
I had been thinking for a cycle a year now and im planning to jump on next week or so (when im ready , im not in a rush or whatever). On my bulk i was about 82kg and went down to 75 without losing any strength. (bench 90kg x 8/incline b 80kg x8 , squat 110kg x 8, shoulder press bar 70kg x 6 etc , just to give some tip )
My diet is @ 2500cals and i workout 6 times a week (chest/back/shoulders/bic-tri/legs) with 15-20 min HIIT post eod . Some people say i should been doing 5/week or whatever but its hard for me because i love what im doing , its my hobby

my plan is
week 1-10 500mg/week test e 250mg x 2 (Monday - Thursday)
week 1-12 AI arimidex 0,5mg eod (i was thinking about aromasin but adex is easy to find here when aromasin needs prescription) some people say in case of signs and others to use it anyway , well many opinions hmm and "better safe than sorry" sounds good to me anytime.
week 13-16 PCT clomid 50/50/50/50 (or 50/50/25/25 in case i have nolva). I was thinking to get Nolva too and run it @ 40/40/20/20 but thing is im not sure im able to get it because its like the AI , clomid = free to get and cheap too (like 2 euros per box) when nolva needs prescription.
I wont run hcg and with me research i think its not something that i MUST use on this cycle plus right now its almost impossible to get. Later cycles (il do one or two per year, im not interest to push things like crazy i have some patience

What do u guys suggest for the pct problem(?) , should i find nolva or i could get it done with clomid and something natural that i dont think there is but just in case..? ? i really dont find anything else like nolva that i can get here. Its really hard to get anything from internet for some reasons at this moment. Thing is i wont jump on without having EVERYTHING on hand whatever people say (gym buddies etc) /care. i like to hold some control over my actions.
il been doing cardio 3 times/week at least.
For my on cycle diet i wont get too specific cause its hard with my sucky english but it will be clean with food sources like chicken/fish/steaks/oats/potatos/seeds/brocoli/spinach/beef etc. i know working fine with me on cutting/bulking and il use it +500cals(i will up more if i need to ).
currently i have in hand clomid , adex and 30x test e amps 250mg/1ml each. I know i can run it 12 weeks but im not sure its the best, opinions depends from person to person.
a recent pic of me half month ago (half way on cut) and its probably the only one i have atm , its before i workout when i open the gym i worked on holidays and took a quick shot because i was bored (people didnt come much then lol)
My current goal is get to 82kg AFTER CUT! so i need to bulk up some lean mass

im open to suggestions. THX a lot for ur time
i had to remove the pic for personal reasons , in case someone needs to see it il pm no problem. i just dont like to let it on open view.
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