Hello everyone, I'll start off by saying that I'm 22 years old, 6'2 & 203 lbs. I have just recently started my test and dbol cycle, been on it for 2 weeks now. I'm pinning 250 mg of cypionate every Monday and Thursday along with 40 mg of dbol a day. FWI I have the liquid oral dbol which I thought would have been a waste considering I have never heard of such a thing. But I threw that thought out the window the first week b/c within just one week my muscles have gotten more full and blockier & strength gains have gone up a tad bit. Week two was this times 2. So far so good. Question is, how long till the test kicks in and what will I experience then? Will the bloat simmer down? And when my cycle ends, how much should I expect to keep in muscle/gains speaking. I have clomid & nolva for PCT. any advice on anything would be greatly appreciated!
- josh
- josh