I got ahold of 7 sustanon 250 redijects with 20guage 1.5"
I need to know if this a sufficient first cycle and if those 20g needles are going to rip
my ass open! Does anyone use those railroad spikes for their injections?
20 gauge in the glutes is not bad. But if you want something smaller with no worries. Go the pharmacy and get some 23 or 25 gauge needles
I hear that the readyjects can make you really sore.
20g is nothing. Try an 18g. (also known as a cannon)!!!
Just kidding, don't use and 18g. I like to use 21 or 22. Just the right size, and the sust goes in easier than using something smaller, like a 25. Hope this helps.
Get 9 more redijets and some 23g needles. Also, try to get some Deca or Equipoise and/or dbol.
You will also need Clomid for postcycle therapy and Nolvadex(Arimidex,Cytadren) in case of gynecomastia.