Hey guys, new to the forum here, but long time stalker...finally decided to make a post after educating myself over the months/years.
Stats: Age 31, 6'2, 205 lbs., roughly 12%-14% BF, lifting experience 9-10 years
Goals: lean muscle gains, stay over 200 lbs. while reducing BF to single digits.
I recently got my T checked and was at 368...shocker for me, wasn't expecting that! never would've thought I'd have those levels as I'm not showing any signs - other than lack of motivation for the past few months.
Other blood work came back fine, slightly high cholesterol, and BUN, nothing crazy, just started a new job a few months ago and diet was slightly off while adjusting to new schedule.
Other than that I am very disciplined. I'm a boxer as well, and my cardio is solid, but there's always room for improvement.
I have been back and forth on what my first cycle should be. I understand that no AAS is really going to take the extra fat I have off, and that will mostly come from diet, however, I have pretty shitty genetics for losing belly fat. The problem is, it's the last thing to go for me, so I end up losing TONS of muscle in the process.
For example, when I cut natty 2 years ago, I went from 210 to 165 to see my abs, ridiculous!
I'm in good shape right now, solid muscle with a slight layer of fat around my gut. My arms, chest, and back are pretty tight! back is even shredded I would say. The stomach really ruins the overall look of things though.
My goal is to put on some lean mass, while minimizing bloat, and trimming the excess fat around the belly-button area.
I have been entertaining the idea of tren + t, with tren being run slightly higher. I've read the countless posts about holding off on tren, but it seems to fit the bill very well here. I would be doing a very minimal dose, 37.5 ED, and T prop 28.5 ED for 8-10 weeks.
My main concern here is lack of pinning experience, and the tren cough + other potential sides have me worried, and I'm starting to understand why people recommend to wait.
Then I bounced around the idea of T + EQ, but I believe I wouldn't be running the EQ long enough for optimal results.
Which leaves me with T + Anavar. I think this may be best, but I'm here for some insight. What do you guys think? A maybe slightly higher than TRT dose of T400 (know I can get that) or T Prop, and about 60-75mg of var for 8 weeks.
I have HCGenerate, N2Guard, and Nolva on hand. HCG can be a possibility I think as well, but it makes me nervous due to lack of experience with it and would like to avoid it if possible.
In a nutshell, I am trying to run the LEAST amount of things possible, that includes for PCT as well. I'm sensitive to drugs, and using an AI on cycle, plus 2-3 different things after on my first go is just a lot to handle and I don't want to overly complicate things as I'm already very cautious and would like to eliminate everything that may not be necessary with a light first run such as this one. I understand that some may suggest just test, but I believe test + Anavar is more what I'm looking for in terms of results.
I have been feeling extremely sluggish lately, and that may be due to the low test...I used to tear up the gym natty, and since I hit 30, that intensity I use to have just isn't there. I'm looking for a real boost and to spend the holidays tighter and fuller than I've been in a long time.
Hopefully you guys can help me out and share your opinions.
If there's anything I left out that you need to know, please ask and I'll follow up.
Thanks to all,
Stats: Age 31, 6'2, 205 lbs., roughly 12%-14% BF, lifting experience 9-10 years
Goals: lean muscle gains, stay over 200 lbs. while reducing BF to single digits.
I recently got my T checked and was at 368...shocker for me, wasn't expecting that! never would've thought I'd have those levels as I'm not showing any signs - other than lack of motivation for the past few months.
Other blood work came back fine, slightly high cholesterol, and BUN, nothing crazy, just started a new job a few months ago and diet was slightly off while adjusting to new schedule.
Other than that I am very disciplined. I'm a boxer as well, and my cardio is solid, but there's always room for improvement.
I have been back and forth on what my first cycle should be. I understand that no AAS is really going to take the extra fat I have off, and that will mostly come from diet, however, I have pretty shitty genetics for losing belly fat. The problem is, it's the last thing to go for me, so I end up losing TONS of muscle in the process.
For example, when I cut natty 2 years ago, I went from 210 to 165 to see my abs, ridiculous!
I'm in good shape right now, solid muscle with a slight layer of fat around my gut. My arms, chest, and back are pretty tight! back is even shredded I would say. The stomach really ruins the overall look of things though.
My goal is to put on some lean mass, while minimizing bloat, and trimming the excess fat around the belly-button area.
I have been entertaining the idea of tren + t, with tren being run slightly higher. I've read the countless posts about holding off on tren, but it seems to fit the bill very well here. I would be doing a very minimal dose, 37.5 ED, and T prop 28.5 ED for 8-10 weeks.
My main concern here is lack of pinning experience, and the tren cough + other potential sides have me worried, and I'm starting to understand why people recommend to wait.
Then I bounced around the idea of T + EQ, but I believe I wouldn't be running the EQ long enough for optimal results.
Which leaves me with T + Anavar. I think this may be best, but I'm here for some insight. What do you guys think? A maybe slightly higher than TRT dose of T400 (know I can get that) or T Prop, and about 60-75mg of var for 8 weeks.
I have HCGenerate, N2Guard, and Nolva on hand. HCG can be a possibility I think as well, but it makes me nervous due to lack of experience with it and would like to avoid it if possible.
In a nutshell, I am trying to run the LEAST amount of things possible, that includes for PCT as well. I'm sensitive to drugs, and using an AI on cycle, plus 2-3 different things after on my first go is just a lot to handle and I don't want to overly complicate things as I'm already very cautious and would like to eliminate everything that may not be necessary with a light first run such as this one. I understand that some may suggest just test, but I believe test + Anavar is more what I'm looking for in terms of results.
I have been feeling extremely sluggish lately, and that may be due to the low test...I used to tear up the gym natty, and since I hit 30, that intensity I use to have just isn't there. I'm looking for a real boost and to spend the holidays tighter and fuller than I've been in a long time.
Hopefully you guys can help me out and share your opinions.
If there's anything I left out that you need to know, please ask and I'll follow up.
Thanks to all,