The first store (Fry's) didn't even have the stuff, though I found a diet softdrink with it in it, so I bought two six packs. I think it is Deit Rite Black Cherry soda or something.
The second store (Safeway) had splenda. I also some Cranberry Juice from Ocean Spray that had Splenda in it as well. And I found some Atkins bars that have splenda, so I bought some of those too.
My thoughts:
Splenda packets - tastes good. A lot like sugar. Not bitter like Aspartame. Dissolves a lot quicker in the mouth than sugar.
Atkins bars (Almond brownie or something like that) - tastes awful. Uck! If this is candy, then I don't like candy anymore. Pass.
Ocean Spray Cranberry light - Not very good tasting. It didn't even taste sweet. Since I don't really drink cranberry juice, I can't tell if just the Splenda version is bad or if all cranberry juice is bad.
Oh, one more thing. Atkins has protein drinks, including a cappachino drink. Anybody tried them? They look good, but so did the Atkins candy bar.
The second store (Safeway) had splenda. I also some Cranberry Juice from Ocean Spray that had Splenda in it as well. And I found some Atkins bars that have splenda, so I bought some of those too.
My thoughts:
Splenda packets - tastes good. A lot like sugar. Not bitter like Aspartame. Dissolves a lot quicker in the mouth than sugar.
Atkins bars (Almond brownie or something like that) - tastes awful. Uck! If this is candy, then I don't like candy anymore. Pass.
Ocean Spray Cranberry light - Not very good tasting. It didn't even taste sweet. Since I don't really drink cranberry juice, I can't tell if just the Splenda version is bad or if all cranberry juice is bad.
Oh, one more thing. Atkins has protein drinks, including a cappachino drink. Anybody tried them? They look good, but so did the Atkins candy bar.