i eat pancakes, fajitas, burgers, and wings myself
the KEY is i cook them myself.. there is no bread or tortillas involved, i use lettuce instead
i use natural coconut oil, not the crap they use in restaurants
i use grassfed beef not some crappy restaurant burger
i make my pancakes with coconut flour, not refined flour and i sweeten it with natural RAW honey, not sugar. and i use pastured eggs
and i cook my chicken wings in natural spices and coconut oil, not hydrogenated oil and i dont' fry them. and they are hormone free/organic.. and they are dipped in homemade guac, not dressing
you can also make your own pizza.. make the dough from cauliflower.
see the difference? my point is you can enjoy all kinds of food if you cook them yourself from scratch with all natural ingredients. and none of them are hard to make at all. there are recipes on this shit everywhere