I think that study just gave a lot of annorexics some creedence.
The problem with articles on these studies, is that they take one idea like fasting, exhort the bejeesus out of it, and the practical advice about a sensible diet and moderate excercise gets overshadowsed by that idea - tacked on at the end like an afterthought. The people who would benefit most from this information (ie, the overweight and undereducated) will probably only take the concept of skipping meals from the article, without any understanding of the metabolic consequences. Sigh. "Leptin" is right.
I always find it funny how researchers find a way to contradict themselves every 6 months....Last year it was "For the love of God don't skip meals"......I think they should get their head out of the textbook and use some logic....Most BBr's (w/out a degree) know more about physiology than all those PHD's.