First dicovered by stoneage man, the fanny fart was worshiped as a heathen sign of fertility and sexual maturation. It was seen as a symbol of the gods, and was often interpreted as a sign of good fortune. Due to it's roots in mythical worship, it was deemed a preferential charecteristic among members of the harem. This led to it being a trait that was passed on to the future generations, evolution embrasing this bio-natural phenomenon. In the 21st century, this non gaseous, non odorous explosion from the front bottom is the Holey Grail of bodily noises. It is often bi-fracated, with an initial wheezing sound, shortly followed by a long rasping blurt.
When performed simultaneously with a burp, gurp or a-typical standard fart, it is termed as a duplex. Richter scale implementation technology measured the loudest "fanny fart" on record: a spectacular 8.7 this record was credited to Hilary CLInTon, having surpassed the previous record set by Barbera Bush. What is the future of the fanny fart? - Well, the adult industry has seized upon this natural wonder, with Vivid Pictures releasing their latest feature "She only blurts Once" (availiable at In addition, new age workshops are "popping" up, offering advancement in the "Neolithic techniques of vaginal noise" (Contact A.Hole at the Vagina Workshop on 0800FANNY). Finally, the fanny fart is finding its way into popular culture, with Eminem sampling the humble fanny fart in his latest track "Vag Shady". So as you can see the future of the fanny fart is bright. Some of you may not like it, but the fanny and its splendiferous emmisions are here to stay.
Splurge - slow build up fanny fart with characteristic high end riff.
Blast- high speed, high force emmission
Squeeker- tinny,squeeking hiss come fart
Double- A 2-tone viscious emmision
When performed simultaneously with a burp, gurp or a-typical standard fart, it is termed as a duplex. Richter scale implementation technology measured the loudest "fanny fart" on record: a spectacular 8.7 this record was credited to Hilary CLInTon, having surpassed the previous record set by Barbera Bush. What is the future of the fanny fart? - Well, the adult industry has seized upon this natural wonder, with Vivid Pictures releasing their latest feature "She only blurts Once" (availiable at In addition, new age workshops are "popping" up, offering advancement in the "Neolithic techniques of vaginal noise" (Contact A.Hole at the Vagina Workshop on 0800FANNY). Finally, the fanny fart is finding its way into popular culture, with Eminem sampling the humble fanny fart in his latest track "Vag Shady". So as you can see the future of the fanny fart is bright. Some of you may not like it, but the fanny and its splendiferous emmisions are here to stay.
Splurge - slow build up fanny fart with characteristic high end riff.
Blast- high speed, high force emmission
Squeeker- tinny,squeeking hiss come fart
Double- A 2-tone viscious emmision