Iggz my man I seen this thing where some doctor had done a study and according to his study quiet the opposite is true. The longer you do not have sex the lower your T levels drop. I will not get long winded about it but moral of the story was after going 18 mons with no sex and 25ish guys T levels dropped to that of an 8 yr old kid.
Iggz my man I seen this thing where some doctor had done a study and according to his study quiet the opposite is true. The longer you do not have sex the lower your T levels drop. I will not get long winded about it but moral of the story was after going 18 mons with no sex and 25ish guys T levels dropped to that of an 8 yr old kid.
Now what about sperm count? I could swear that I've heard that couples that are trying to get pregnant are told not to do it every day so he's got the maximum swimmers, doing it every day depletes the troops, so to speak.
Now what about sperm count? I could swear that I've heard that couples that are trying to get pregnant are told not to do it every day so he's got the maximum swimmers, doing it every day depletes the troops, so to speak.
Now what about sperm count? I could swear that I've heard that couples that are trying to get pregnant are told not to do it every day so he's got the maximum swimmers, doing it every day depletes the troops, so to speak.
I'm not sure about sperm count and that whole fertility thing, but this docotor said in high tech medical terminology that basically your body degenerates test levels if they are not activated through ejaculation. Or some kinda shit like that. Basically use it or lose it, but I have never seen or heard of any other studies to back this one or contridict it, so who knows. I mean personally it makes sense, T levels drive your sexual appetite, so I guess it would kinda be like smoking the longer you can go with out the less the desire becomes, and as a result T levels drop.