It is better to have nothing on your car plate. If they find a spray, this would be automatically impound. You have better to avoid to show your purposes before broken a law. Police or judge don’t want to give you much more problem if you give an enough acceptable story, for example, hospital gave you a call and you need to be present to save life with other physician staff. Send someone first to evaluate your roads, drive in rural area or better on a racing track.
Oh dang, seems so complicated. Yeah, I better stay away. Jut got curious if there are sprays that aren't that noticeable. But yeah, I get you man. Thanks.
Waste of time. While most cameras are computer aided in the first part (so logging that a speed has been exceeded) it's a human that confirms the plate info.
Noted! I guess if someone looks at it closely and see the plate info blurred, that could be an instant red flag too.
THanks guys!