We cant get ephidrene here in australia, so what could i use instead in a ephidrene/asprin/caffeine stack? Ive been told citrus aurantium. If this is right, how much should i take?
Since E is most likely going away, Green Tea+C offers a BETTER raise in metabolism than Ephedera (4.5 for Green Tea vs 3 for Epedera) so that is your best bet.
Black Tea contains theopyilline which is a beta antagonist like Ephedrine although not recommended (It has some odd and harsh side effects)
Quick search on google for Citurus Aurantium says it targets Beta-3 receptors but the only problem is Humans dont have any so its pretty much useless if thats true.
Citrus Aurantium is synephrine, Ephedrine's midler cousin. It's not as good as ephedrine in terms of a pre workout boost and many ppl i know who use it say it's cack, but they are comparing it to ephedrine. If you hvent taken an ephedrine based sup before then maybe Synephrine will work.
Most of the new Ephedrine free formulas are using it. One i'd suggest using is Lean System 7 By Isatori.