zero%bodyfat said:
well eat 90 percent of your food in the morning before workout.
that quick fix diet looking back at it should really only be done for less than a week, because your body will catch on quick. i personally hate the way that diet makes me feel.
but remember im not doing easy cardio. each set of 10 minites on the stairclimber was extremly tuff. i would be fairly soaked after just 2 sets of it, it is very hard. you have to work your way up.
cardio is the ultimate weapon. because the other days i striaght up pigged on on shit all day long for about 3 days straight, i didnt follow my eating guide lines because i ate alot of shit at night like ben and jerrys icecream which has like 80 grams of fat in one thing of it lol. i still did the cardio on these days, and i did gain fat. but on like day 4 i ate like i was supposed to (90 percent of food in the morning before workout) i had lost all that weight gained in one day. ive gotten my self so well conditioned ive been able to increase the intensity on the stairclimber of my cardio and make fat burning that much easier