gonelifting said:looking good zero, have you ever tried to get bigger than 235? or is this the look for you? I wondering because would that be the same diet you`d follow if you bulked more?
this would probably be the same diet if i were to bulk because i love sugary icecream and peanutbutter.
i personally hate to diet! id rather bust my ass hardcore for an hour on the stairmaster and burn 1000 calories while reading my accounting book. rather than not eat 1000 calories of yummy tasty icecream and peanutbutter.
i usually dont follow the no carb after 4 rule but i try.
i really dont feel like trying to bulk up anymore. i get alot of my studying out of the way when i do cardio. but ive seen studies from the t-mag that says its best to stay lean and try to gain from there because there will be less chance of fat gain.
i really felt i should post my results because i see so many people fail on these CKD's and low carb diets. i call them "low effort diets" because most routines ive seen people do, these people do not do very much cardio.
with this you can stay highly anabolic throughout the day. your body will be growing throughout the day and will only be breaking its self down for 2 hours a day of cardio.
i hope this helps people who are stuck in a rut.