Drinking or applying your own urine to the skin may seem like a disgusting and smelly prospect but during the last 20 years there has been a revival of the ancient medical treatment.
Our waste fluid has been used to treat or even cure conditions from eczema, dermatitis, leg ulcers, sore throats, ear and eye infections, fungus infections and athlete's foot to more serious diseases and conditions such as cancer, tuberculosis, asthma, ME and HIV and Aids. It is also a remedy for jellyfish stings.
Sonja Vanderdol, a nutritionist in Hove has recommended the use of urine therapy to treat conditions such as eczema and leg ulcers and has even used it herself both by drinking it and applying it to her skin.
She said: "Nobody really knows how it works.
"Some people say when using it externally it may be because it is germicidal and it is alkaline rather than acid.