Hey everyone, I'm new here. I have a question. I want to know if you guys think someone has to constantly change the lifts they do to progress, or is just changing the reps enough. I have lifted on and off(mostly off actually) either training seriously for 2 or 3 months at a time or just playing around with the weights for the past few years so I've gained some strength and development but not much, so I still consider myself a beginner. I don't really understand this concept of cycling, I just thought you just add weight when you get stronger and thats sufficient, but I keep hearing if you dont vary lifts or reps you stop making progress. I've read books like super squats and keys to progress and they have you doing the same exercises for the same sets and reps and they dont talk about cycling, just working hard and adding weight. Maybe you guys can explain the concept to me so I can understand. My main goal is to get much stronger for my weight(200 lbs at 5'8) and add mass and bulk, since I'm naturally weak, and hopefully this will add size, I've seen a lot of powerlifters who are big, thats my goal, to look big and stocky and be strong. I've found from the training I've done that I progress best with lower reps, with some lifts to failure with others not, and I've gotten somewhat bulkier doing this, I just plan on doing basic compound lifts with a few isolation moves thrown in for total development. I don't do anything with high reps except these isolation moves. How will I know when it's time to change the routine? Thanks for your help
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