So I'm going to do a 12 week Test E bulk cycle for winter shortly I'm doing 500mg a week and the goal is to gain a good amount of muscle a solid 10 pounds after PCT would be ideal. I'm not going for the fitness model look just a thick more muscular look anyway it's very hard for me to get in 6 meals a day with my work schedule I can eat a good breakfast of eggs oats and toast as well as whey shake but would I be ok to eat a heavier lunch and dinner fairly clean as well as a post workout meal of meat and sweet potato and mix in 2 shakes throughout my day and make the gains I'm looking for? I workout hard 5 days a week I will probably do 6 days on cycle as well as 30 minutes 4x a week cardio I also don't want to gain ALOT of fat any suggestions appreciated or tweaks thanks
6 1
About 12-14 bf (I can see outline of abs)
6 1
About 12-14 bf (I can see outline of abs)