sh4dowf4lcon said:Uh, yes, ebonic slang. Yea yea yea boyeeee, word is up to da bomb in da cornry...using ebonics in their mannerisms. Word, can you pass doze poke skinz...not that all blacks act this way, not even most...but you asked the brilliant question how does one use ebonic slang in their mannerisms.
alright dippity doo.. let's get some things straight..
(a) ebonics is a type of slang.. aka black english.. and slang can be described as "language peculiar to a particular group".. in this case.. mainly black, but also those that live within certain sub-cultures and geographic areas in which this style of language has established dominance for whatever reason..
(b) ebonics may be described as an english mannerism.. but it does not make sense to say "using ebonics in 'their' mannerisms," as ebonics is a type of language.. and a mannerism is a certain style.. one cannot use a language in a style but one can use a style of language..
sh4dowf4lcon said:BTW who said someone's actions and mannerisms can be accurately described by his dress? Not me...
hmmm.. you didn't? let's look back at your first post coolness.. in answering the question "how exactly does one act like he's black?" you said:
sh4dowf4lcon said:...Hat turned to the side. Pants sagging to there knees. is what comes to mind when I think of someone ACTING black.
in stating this in this context, you indicated that a person that wears a hat turned to the side or wears low sagging pants is "acting black"..
sh4dowf4lcon said:Another stellar performance by Decem, twisting and turning the words but still unable to focus on the topic and trying to make someone else look ignorant to feel better about himself.
it's not twisting and turning of words you farting nippleturd.. it's knowing the meaning of words and the context in which they're used.. as well as having a basic understanding of logic
thank you for allowing a little of the racist you to show through in this thread.. i'm sure that as more of the true you comes out.. the greater asset you are to society (<--.. i know you have a trouble with this part as well.. so i'll spell it out.. that was sarcasm.. i did NOT mean it.. okay? in fact.. i meant the opposite..)