hey bro,
for whatever it's worth, I'm a newbie myself and asked around for deca and got lots of responses/suggestions to go on a first cycle with Test. Enanthate. Maybe you shoud look into that.
Keep researching, good luck.
i have done some home work on deca. iv learned it is a great stack i went on www.steroid tips .com and they state for a newbie should try deca by it's self and was hoping to get some feedback instead i got alot of tuff shit
Ok bro I'll give you a bit of credit for attempting to do some research, just b/c one website says its good for a beginner doesnt mean its true. The overwhelming majority of people on this boards and others will tell you to do test only as a first cycle or that you need to do deca with test. Deca alone will shut down your natural test production within a couple of weeks. Spend some time on here doing some research and you'll quickly see why we recommend this. Also do a search for PCT thats just as important as taking gear correctly. BTW deca alone isnt a stack. A stack involves more than one compound
well if you have a great diet and exercise like a madman, then yeah you will see great results.. but dont expect to gain 25lbs of rock hard muscle. yes deca by itself will shut you down hard. hell, if you take deca with test, it still can shut you down hard(personal experience that i dont want to remember) what are you trying to accomplish with this cycle?
If your gonna use deca, then stack it with test. If you dont do that then you could try using a high dose of proviron 50mg to 100mg per day to keep libido up