When you deadlift do you let the weight touch the ground each time, thats what I been doing , touching ground=lifting deadweight. How does everyone else do it?
If im doing reps (rare usually singles) i reset the weight....to ensure i am using correct form...if you are going (truly) heavy....you want to have good form on your side
I think it depends what you're deadlifting for. If you're doing it for power, I would reset everytime. This also helps your launch since you're essentially pulling a full-range one rep everytime.
No definately not, you're one of the few I hold in high admiration here. Any female able to outlift most big guys, not to mention have more knowledge(as well as remain very cool) deserves respect. Therefore, your recognition is appreciated.
Okay, enough pats for Spatts, my fiancee might read this and get the wrong idea