Are you guys talking about the rest pause method?
In the DC program there is only one working set, yes only ONE.
Here is how you prepare for a workset:
Lets say you are able to use 100lbs for 12 reps.
First the warmups. Here is how you warmup (use light weights to promote blood flow)
50lbs x 12, 60lbs x 8, 80lbs x 4
building set: 100lbs x 12
use rest pause, then static hold then negative.
For the rest pause lets say you get 9 reps with 100lbs, you then set the bar down for a 5-10 second count then pick it back up for another 3 reps. At the very end you hold the bar in a static hold, then you control the negative coming down.
Remember, there is no rest period between sets because there is only 1 set per exercise.