my first post, just wanted to thank DC for the detailed posts. i've been reading the forums for a few months but never had anything worth posting so i never registered. i have been working out for 5 years, started out at 5'8 115lbs. thru trial and errors, i somehow managed to get up to 175lbs but that took long enough. i tried DC's suggested routine last week and i have to say i'm impressed. at first i thought "bull shiiit one set wont be enough to get a good pump or damage enough muscle fibers to stimulate growth". But i was wrong. I've done two DC workouts, always did one set each muscle and so far i have to say i've been VERY VERY sored all over from head to toes, and i dont get sored very often. It sounds easy on paper, but its brutal to do one all-out set with all the rest pausing. I also thought that i would lose my striatrions and lines cuz of the low number of sets, but i was wrong again. After my biceps work out doing one all-out set with super-heavy weight, i came home looked in the mirror and i saw something that put a smile on my face: a deep carve between my two bicep heads. I haven't seen that deep carve in years, years of doing endless sets of biceps. Now after ONE SET, i suddenly have that deep carve again. Amazing! I think poeple should try this program out, even if its just for a change-up from ur regular routine. There is only one difference between a successful DC method user and a failing DC method user: dedication. When u reach that last failure negative lifting the heaviest weight ever, are you mentally strong enough to will out one more rep? That makes all the difference. If u say no, then u best stick to the regular conventional way of lifting cuz ur wasting ur time with DC's method.