transitions are the movements you do between poses. it can be a sweep of the arm/arms, how you move your feet to get into another pose etc. my buddies posing routine he did last night was full of transitions. i think if i had to count the routine, he hit close to 20 poses. not all of them were emphasized for a long time but there was alot there. example: side chest, reach out to the side, side tricep, twisting front double bicep, step forward, kneel twisting rear double bicep.
some people get rather flashy with transitions. flex wheeler likes to do that signature spin sometimes.
my next routine is going to bring the house down. i worked with my buddy on his for last night's show, it took us about 3-4 hours to put it together but it was awesome when finished. he practiced it for almost 3 weeks to get it down perfect. i was very impressed with his thoroughness and how professional he looked. people couldnt believe it was his first show.
preparation, repetition, and presentation give that polished look.