I was thinking about adding power cleans and hang cleans to my routine (for traps among other things) but I'm unsure a bit on technique.
First of all, I had always understood a power clean to contain two seperate cleans? As seen in http://strengthtraining.asimba.com/fitness_info/muscle_group68.html. However, in the same section, a power clean front squat push jerk contains only one cleaning action? So then I thought that maybe "power clean" described the motion in which the bar was caught, but now I am completely unsure. Could you explain the actual difference between a power clean and a regular clean?
Also, what is your opinion on doing o-lifts with a plain old non olympic barbell and cement/metal weights? I work out at home and these are all I have.
First of all, I had always understood a power clean to contain two seperate cleans? As seen in http://strengthtraining.asimba.com/fitness_info/muscle_group68.html. However, in the same section, a power clean front squat push jerk contains only one cleaning action? So then I thought that maybe "power clean" described the motion in which the bar was caught, but now I am completely unsure. Could you explain the actual difference between a power clean and a regular clean?
Also, what is your opinion on doing o-lifts with a plain old non olympic barbell and cement/metal weights? I work out at home and these are all I have.