I am confused on how to stack nutrobol MK with another sarm.
Was thinking about doing the healing stacking
would that consist of both ostarine MK and nutrobal MK. And since they are both MK sarms would they counter act each other?
I’m 49 years old and have joint issues
They are meant to be stacked together.. Mk677 is not even actually a sarm... its grouped with sarms but it is actually a secretagogue and essentially the closest thing to hgh you can use... You would want to run it a minimum of 6 months, but a year is most ideal. You want to run a full healing stack as well, which I will lay out for you...
First things first.. quality is essential, ESPECIALLY with mk677, which is commonly faked...
For the absolutely best and most trusted quality of sarms, visit sarms4sale and/or umbrella.is labs... You cannot find higher quality nor a more trusted source...
1-12 mk677 (NUTROBAL) 25 mg day dosed once a day in the p.m. 1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 mk2866 25 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m. 9-12 N2generate https://www.needtobuildmuscle.com/store/hcgenerate-n2generate.html
Mini pct 13-16
clomid 50/25/25/25 OR nolva 40/20/20/20 gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day
They do not counteract at all. They are not even close to the same type of compound. One is a SARM and one is a GH Secretalogue. Make sure you are taking some Krill-TS too. Great for joints.
I am confused on how to stack nutrobol MK with another sarm.
Was thinking about doing the healing stacking
would that consist of both ostarine MK and nutrobal MK. And since they are both MK sarms would they counter act each other?
I’m 49 years old and have joint issues