SI, ok, yes those things in combination are complete protiens, but they are still pretty low quality complete protiens. Honestly, you will not build an impressive body unless you get a very large % of yoru protien from animal sources. The entire vegetarian craze was not founded on good science, but rather on theory and speculatoin, and is beginning to be proven incorrect. The idea was to get away from fat and cholesterol. In all honesty, such diets are unhealthy, and definately not condusive to building a well developed musculature. Try combining your rice with chicken or your beans with steak. Both of those combos provide a higher quality protien than the beans and rice combo.
spatts, yes eggs are an extremely high quality protien source, but its not because its an entire animal. Whole eggs are a great additon to any mass building diet. The yoke is actually more valuble in this regard. It contains half the protien, 90% of the nutrients, all of the fat, and that ever so important testosterone boosting cholesterol (alot of people don't seem to understand this point).