Written by Big Brother Val
Big Brother Val
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 752) posted August 03, 2000 03:09 PM
There's been more questions on the board lately as to dosages, injection sites, side effects etc.
The purpose of this post is to focus mainly on those same topics with my personal experience.
When I first started the PGF2a, I wasn't sure what to expect. Not many people had reported using it. It was the articles my Dharkham that made me the most interested in it, as I was looking for localized growth in the arms. Not something that's gonna keep me growing all around such as d-bol, test, etc... I had a very specific goal... bring my arms up to speed.
I started off very weak. The first day, I only took 1/4 cc. in each bicep. And that's it. The pain was pretty intense.
The following day, I took 1/4 each bicep twice that day. Again... intense pain, but that's about it.
Gradually I increased the dosage... and the # of shots... making sure the increase wasn't too drastic, ensuring my body could handle the changes.
Well, I worked up to the point, where on days I injected arms, I shot 3 times in each bicep and each tricep... I did that 4 days a week, totaling 48 arm shots per week. Combine that with the 18 shots I was taking in the shoulders, and that was a whopping 66 shots per week.
Biceps I would rotate from long head to short head every other shot, and triceps I'd shoot long head, lateral head, then long head again.
Delt shots... I took one anterior, one posterior, and one lateral in each delt, each day.
My schedule was as follows:
Mon: Lift:arms/pump chest and shoulders shoot: chest and shoulders
Tue: Lift:back/pump calves shoot: shoulders
Wed: Lift:legs shoot: chest and shoulders
Thur: Lift:chest and shoulders/pump arms shoot: arms
Fri: Lift:Calves and forearms shoot: arms
Sat: Lift:Rest shoot: arms
Sun: Lift:Rest shoot: arms
My lungs started feeling funny. Even after all the other effects, like pain and everything had gone away. Even while I was in bed at night, I still couldn't take a deep breath without coughing... it felt like I was trying to breathe underwater because of the pressure on my lungs. This concerned me, even though I understand the concept as to why this happens.
So I decided to cut back bigtime on my injections. Reason #1 being the issue with my lungs, Reason #2 being I wanted to see if I would lose any of my gains when I really cut back on dosage.
I started shooting arms only twice a week, and shoulders once a week. I only shoot the muscles on the days I train them. I shoot more at once...
instead of .75 cc's each group per shot, 3 times a day, like when I was taking the 66 shots per week, I was now taking .5 cc per shot 4 hours before my workout, 1 full cc in each muscle per shot after my workout.
That's still only half a cc less than I was taking per day before.
Now my schedule looks like this:
Mon: Lift:arms
shoot: arms
Tue: Lift:back/pump shoulders
shoot: shoulders
Wed: Lift:legs shoot: nothing
Thur: Lift:chest and shoulders/pump arms shoot: arms
Fri: Lift:Calves and forearms shoot: nothing
Sat: Lift:Rest shoot: nothing
Sun: repeat
Quite a change in volume of shots.
The whole point of this drastically long post was to give you my dosage and schedulre differences, and give the results of my experiment with the dosage.
The results are: Before I was taking up to 33 cc's a week. Now I am only taking around 14 cc's a week. And even though I dropped my dosage considerably, I am still getting AMAZING pumps, and excellent growth. I have not slowed down at all. I have not lost ANY size whatsoever since dropping my dosage down, but I have actually seen a considerable increase in strength.
My lungs no longer feel that insane pressure all day, and I don't feel sick 7 1/2 hours out of the day.
I have lost 1 inch on my waist, and gained an inch and 1/4 on my arms in 6 weeks of usage, and gained 6 lbs. I'm very, very pleased with it, but would not take my dosage up to where it was before again.
So take this not as the best way to cycle it... just as my experience. I personally can't see any reason to take it as much as I used to be... as I am seeing the same results now. Who knows... maybe 6 cc's a day, with a few days rest in between is just what works best for me.