Clen is not an AAS it is a beta antangonist to help and can help in fat loss and muscle sparing while dieting.
Saints dosing sounds cool.
Clen is a step up from ECA's and some even like ECA better. I think 2 to 6 weeks on clen then 2 to six on ECA is good combination. The brand of clen will matter also tabs are good, liquid is kick-ass, and some european clen will shake your boots off so start slow and build.
Easy dosing
Mon-1 tab am 1 tab early eve
tues- 1 and 1
wed off
thurs-2 am 1 eve
fri- 2 and 1
sat and sun off (fits easy into work week and easy to remember also keeps receptor sites nice and active so down regulating dose not set in)
week keep increasing so shake stay, but just barely not need to look like a junkie.
faster results could result by take ECA stack on off days and not cycling by weeks.
Assuming diet is not an issue this should work well
"man I'm talkie this morning"