I’ve taken a ‘see food’ approach to bulking in the past, whereby, I’ve eaten massive calories with a significant amount coming from junk food such as; cakes, cookies, McD’s, KFC etc.
Although it was fun I had to spend many post-bulk months cutting and suffering for my bulking excesses and losing muscle.
For my winter bulk I’m thinking about a cyclical approach derived from cutting. I’m thinking about a clean bulk during weekdays where I’m only 200-300 cals above maintenance. These extra cals coming from clean protein sources.
On weekends I’m thinking about more of a ‘free for all’ approach. No cal counting and eating whatever junk I feel like. Cals could be as high as 6000 cals per day.
My motivation behind this idea is that if I don’t get a chance to indulge in some crappy foods during bulking when can I indulge? Certainly not during cutting.
BTW my bulk cycle is:
- 500mg Test Cyp weeks 1-8;
- 25mg D-Bol ED weeks 1-4; and
-75mg Tren Acetate EOD weeks 5-10.
Do you guys have any views/suggestions?
Although it was fun I had to spend many post-bulk months cutting and suffering for my bulking excesses and losing muscle.
For my winter bulk I’m thinking about a cyclical approach derived from cutting. I’m thinking about a clean bulk during weekdays where I’m only 200-300 cals above maintenance. These extra cals coming from clean protein sources.
On weekends I’m thinking about more of a ‘free for all’ approach. No cal counting and eating whatever junk I feel like. Cals could be as high as 6000 cals per day.
My motivation behind this idea is that if I don’t get a chance to indulge in some crappy foods during bulking when can I indulge? Certainly not during cutting.
BTW my bulk cycle is:
- 500mg Test Cyp weeks 1-8;
- 25mg D-Bol ED weeks 1-4; and
-75mg Tren Acetate EOD weeks 5-10.
Do you guys have any views/suggestions?