I've tried it about 10 times, using anywhere from 1/2 tab to a whole. I have a high tollerance to all drugs, that's probably why I like a whole tab better. I also cum very easilly and have a high sex drive, but I guess when you're like this, anything to get ya goin even more is enjoyable. I feel the most results several hours to a day after taking it. I've done it two days in a row and man...that's good! Last time my clit was so swollen...just about as chubby as my thumb! It was extremely sensitive and just felt absolutely awesome. I think just a little breeze would have made me cum. I also feel it in my nipples, but they're very sensitive anyway and there's a definite connection between nipples and the pussy!
My husband and our g/f and I have all had excellent results...the only thing I don't like is that it gives me trouble sleeping if I take it at night...either not letting me sleep due to my mind racing and seeing visuals, or it gives me weird dreams if I do fall asleep. Not a problem if I don't have to work the next day though! Since for me I feel the best effects from it several hours after taking it, I'll take a tab by 3pm, sex after 10pm, and the sleeping difficulties seem to be less.