For a few months now Ive been having some pain in my chest.The first time I had ever noticed it was after a failure set on leg presses,then it seemed to have went away for a while,but I still would feel it when doing seemed to show up the most on those when I would try to breath correctly.Now Ive been feeling it alot at various times...I felt it while practicing jerks,and during a few other lifts.
The best way I could describe it would be to say that it feels like someone is jabbing a finger into the center of my chest.Does anyone know what this might be,and what I can do about it? doesnt feel like something on the inside like my heart.It feels like something close to the surface
The best way I could describe it would be to say that it feels like someone is jabbing a finger into the center of my chest.Does anyone know what this might be,and what I can do about it? doesnt feel like something on the inside like my heart.It feels like something close to the surface