For all of you looking to become more "efficient" in your workout plans, this combo is awesome. Why, simply that by the nature of the movements your shoulders get sufficiently warmed up during your chest work. My cuurent mix is :
all w/ 2 warmup sets
3 sets flat bench
3 sets dbell incline press
3 sets flat flyes
3 sets dips
3 sets dbell presses
5 sets lateral raises( 3 seated ) 2 lying sideways on an incline
superset bent over raises w/ upright rows 3 sets
thats it and believe it or not done w/ in one hour.
On my working sets I start w/ the heaviest weight I can and pyramid down. I have been traing for 10 years and personally it makes no sense to gradually get to 350 for ex. on the bench over 3 sets. I do two sufficient warmups and jump right into my heavy
sets then pyramid down. Is this intense, bet your ass it is. But guess what, do this on a Monday and your pressing movements are done for the week. 7 days to recover which is more than ample time and definately needed if you work out hard enough.
all w/ 2 warmup sets
3 sets flat bench
3 sets dbell incline press
3 sets flat flyes
3 sets dips
3 sets dbell presses
5 sets lateral raises( 3 seated ) 2 lying sideways on an incline
superset bent over raises w/ upright rows 3 sets
thats it and believe it or not done w/ in one hour.
On my working sets I start w/ the heaviest weight I can and pyramid down. I have been traing for 10 years and personally it makes no sense to gradually get to 350 for ex. on the bench over 3 sets. I do two sufficient warmups and jump right into my heavy
sets then pyramid down. Is this intense, bet your ass it is. But guess what, do this on a Monday and your pressing movements are done for the week. 7 days to recover which is more than ample time and definately needed if you work out hard enough.