Well, I've been using Careo for about 2 weeks... consistantly, at one tablespoon a day... I have been making my normal gains that I will usually make, but tonight, I Noticed something MUCH different.
Tonight, I did 40lbs higher than I have ever done on Deadlift... now, whether tonight is "just when it happened" or not, I don't know... but I did have an amazing amount of energy throughout my entire workout.
My usual peak out on barbell rows is around 295lbs -- I will hit that for around 4 reps... tonight, I did 315 for 4 reps... and it felt SOOOO good.
Now... seeing as I have done 330 on barbell rows for one rep in my life... I wasn't TOTALLY set off yet. But I had an AMAZING amount of energy after doing the two above exercises... I KID YOU NOT... it's like I had an engine pumping inside me... Tonight, I did the STACK on lat pulldowns and even attached an extra pin and slid on another 45lb plate... I did the entire stack on cable rows too... and it moved like I've not moved it before... much more fluid and much more controlled.
To top this off... I had EXTRA-PLENTY energy to do a GREAT Bicep workout tonight... instead of doing a good one... I left the gym feeling like I had ran a guantlet of steel and iron...
I have to accredit this to the Careo... I've not felt like this on any type of anabolic or upper... the feeling was almost ... like I said... an engine was pumping inside me...
Tonight, I did 40lbs higher than I have ever done on Deadlift... now, whether tonight is "just when it happened" or not, I don't know... but I did have an amazing amount of energy throughout my entire workout.
My usual peak out on barbell rows is around 295lbs -- I will hit that for around 4 reps... tonight, I did 315 for 4 reps... and it felt SOOOO good.
Now... seeing as I have done 330 on barbell rows for one rep in my life... I wasn't TOTALLY set off yet. But I had an AMAZING amount of energy after doing the two above exercises... I KID YOU NOT... it's like I had an engine pumping inside me... Tonight, I did the STACK on lat pulldowns and even attached an extra pin and slid on another 45lb plate... I did the entire stack on cable rows too... and it moved like I've not moved it before... much more fluid and much more controlled.
To top this off... I had EXTRA-PLENTY energy to do a GREAT Bicep workout tonight... instead of doing a good one... I left the gym feeling like I had ran a guantlet of steel and iron...
I have to accredit this to the Careo... I've not felt like this on any type of anabolic or upper... the feeling was almost ... like I said... an engine was pumping inside me...