Cardio 3-4 x/week is sufficient. Make sure, however that you don't overtrain w/ lifting 5x/week in addition to the cardio. Low impact cardio is like walking on the treadmill at an angle for 45 - 60 min. I use a guideline of "low impact cardio" being an activity that I can still carry on a conversation while I'm doing it. "Hi impact cardio" is an activity during which I can't carry on a conversation. An example of some good hi-impact cardio is doing something HIIT (hi impact interval training) - for example, get on the tread mill, sprint for 1 min, walk for 2 min, sprint for 1 min, walk for 2 min - and do this for no more than 20-30 minutes. The idea here is to stress your system for a short "sprint" and then give it a brief recovery period, then repeat. This only needs to be done for 20-30 min to be effective. HIIT is a good way to add variety to your training, however no need to include HIIT more than 1-2 times / week.