I'm having my second curb-up.
I'm having the 12 days carbs-down,2 days carbs-up schedule.
the good is u lose a lot of fat,but the performance suffers.
I think (I think like XIZOR)that u get a better carb-up if u can get a good deplation work-out.
evry 2 weeks the depletion w/o will suffer for lack of strenght and concentration.
in addiction,u can't cut too much calories daily on this schedule,or u will lose too much muscles.
so,I 'll jump to normal schedule(5+2) because
1)better performance gives a better carb-up
2)I can cut more calories daily,because the frequently carb-up will be the recompostion phase
3)cutting more calories daily,per se,will produce less muscles loss,because higher leptin levels from the last carb-up.
I ask u one tip:recomposition numbers.
shorting the carb-up or reducing the carbs over the 48 hours period respect to authentic-boduopus is the way Lyle show to avoid fat gain.
but it won't cause supercompesation(i.e hypertrofy) and it won't boost leptin enought.
so,I think it's a wrong way.
by the way,frequent very high carbs reefiding can slow fat loss.
do u have any tip to solve the problem(or the dilemma!).
but I think