I'm doing my first serious cut ever (5'6, 70kg, 10% bf I think, 4 pack only), and have decided to carb cycle. So far its working well but just wanted some advice re: carb cycling which would be greatly appreciated.
Currently, I'm doing 5 days per week, approx 1800-2000 calories, 30/50/20 (C/P/F); and 2 days of high calories 2800-3000 of 50-55% carbs (fat uncertain).
The goal of the high carb days is to replenish glycogen, raise leptin, and be anabolic for my 2 heaviest weights workout days. IT IS NOT A CHEAT DAY (I don't seem to have cheat temptations)
I had 2 questions for the high carb days:
(1) How much fat is desirable on the high carb days. For example, oats are 7% percent fat or 15% of their calories - if I was to use them throughout the day as my carb source, that would be far more fat than say sweet potato. What % of calories should come from fat on high carb days.
(2) I have been doing some reading and raising leptin seems to be related to insulin secretion. Therefore, I was wondering whether it was preferable to use some skim milk (although I realise not too much as galactose replenishes the liver), and in addition high GI healthy carbs (white potato, pumpkin) over sweet potato and oats which are my staples. I was happy to do this provided it was also consistent with the goal of glycogen replenishment, my primary goal. At this stage, I have only been using the low GI carbs for carb cycling.
Currently, I'm doing 5 days per week, approx 1800-2000 calories, 30/50/20 (C/P/F); and 2 days of high calories 2800-3000 of 50-55% carbs (fat uncertain).
The goal of the high carb days is to replenish glycogen, raise leptin, and be anabolic for my 2 heaviest weights workout days. IT IS NOT A CHEAT DAY (I don't seem to have cheat temptations)
I had 2 questions for the high carb days:
(1) How much fat is desirable on the high carb days. For example, oats are 7% percent fat or 15% of their calories - if I was to use them throughout the day as my carb source, that would be far more fat than say sweet potato. What % of calories should come from fat on high carb days.
(2) I have been doing some reading and raising leptin seems to be related to insulin secretion. Therefore, I was wondering whether it was preferable to use some skim milk (although I realise not too much as galactose replenishes the liver), and in addition high GI healthy carbs (white potato, pumpkin) over sweet potato and oats which are my staples. I was happy to do this provided it was also consistent with the goal of glycogen replenishment, my primary goal. At this stage, I have only been using the low GI carbs for carb cycling.