I don't have it myself, but this should answer your questions.
"Assuming you’ve trained for more than 3 months and are over the initial jump in strength gains, find your maximum amount for a specified lift or movement. (That’s a one-rep max or 1RM- editor). Wait 10 minutes and then use 85% of that max and do as many reps as you can. The "normal" person will average 5 reps, meaning that they have a normal distribution of fast, intermediate, and slow-twitch fibers. But a fast-twitch individual will go as low as 2 reps and a predominantly slow-twitch person will go from 12-20 reps. World-class rowers can do as many as 12 reps at 97% of their 1RM."
MAX: How does this apply to bodybuilding?
Charles Poliquin: It helps prevent those uniform training programs where the guy next to you is making huge gains while you’re not. For most people and in most muscle groups, a rep range of 9-12 reps is optimal for hypertrophy (muscular size) gains. But if you have significantly more fast-twitch muscle fiber there, you’ll need to work at a lower rep range for more size, and vice versa.
MAX: What about the low-rep equals big size "rules"?
Charles Poliquin: You’ll recruit a higher percentage of muscle fibers, which leads to increased size. You'll recruit a higher percent-age of muscle fibers, which leads to increased strength, but not necessarily size. But again, there are enormous variations within the population. And there are 42 grades of muscle fiber on the fast-to-slow continuum, so it’s pretty complex. Only about 68% of people will derive nearly maximum benefits from an "average" rep range. On average, the soleus muscle in the lower leg contains 88% slow-twitch fibers, so reps in the 15-25 range are generally appropriate for sufficient time under tension.
But individual differences within various muscle groups can vary widely. I have predominantly fast-twitch muscles, so sets of 3-5 reps in many muscle groups are best for me if I want size. But Serge Nubret got big doing sets of 20 reps --- he’s predominantly slow-twitch.
That means I'm fast twitch!