it simply means eating less calories.. the cookie cutter method is eating in a 500-1000 calorie deficit. the truth is this may work in the short term.. long term it doesn't work
think about it logically.. if you weigh 200 pounds.. eat in a weekly deficit you are supposed to lose 1 pound a week right? so that would mean after 200 weeks you would weigh 0.
this is why the 'eat in a deficit to lose weight' theory makes absolutely ZERO FUCKING SENSE!
not to mention that we don't know how many calories we burn a day, and we have zero way to know how many calories we actually consume in a day. the research has shown people are off by 20-40% when they try and count their calories and macros. this is why weight watchers has a 95% failure rate
then we can get into if a 1000 calories of twinkies is the same as 1000 calories of raw nuts and avocado. NOT the same thing. add it all up and if you ever are told by a diet coach to count your calories and eat this much calories a day then RUN, they have no clue what they are talking about. counting macros is just an excuse for people to eat cheesecake, pizza, soda, and other junk food and still feel like they are okay cause they 'hit their macros for the day'