When your body is lean, tight and toned, your clothes fit and look better, and you ooze confidence. You enjoy going out, whether it is to shop with friends or share a walk on the beach.
To lean, tighten and tone their bodies, professional fitness and figure models combine, or “stack”, training methods. Many of them also stack supplements. Case in point: Team BSN athlete and international figure icon Monica Brant. Years of trial and error have taught Monica that stacking supplements –BSN supplements, in particular-- allows her to see results more quickly than using any one supplement alone.
BSN’s FIT STACK™ is the ultimate supplement stack for the female body, and the only one endorsed by Monica Brant. The FIT STACK™ will help you lean, tighten and tone your body faster. Plus, it gives you the energy that you need to tackle your day.
The FIT STACK™ for women consists of:
LEAN DESSERT PROTEIN™ (LDP) (one container Vanilla Flavor)
Now you can have your dessert and look great too with LDP. LDP produces thick, rich protein shakes that satisfy your hunger and sweet cravings for hours. LDP contains no added sugar or aspartame. Made with BSN’s exclusive dessert taste system, LDP is available in six decadent flavors: Chocolate Coconut Candy Bar, Fresh Cinnamon Roll, Chocolate Fudge Pudding, Whipped Vanilla Cream, Banana Cream Pudding, and Banana Nut Bread flavors.
THERMONEX™(one bottle)
From the very first capsule, THERMONEX™ helps break down your body fat stores and turn them into lasting energy so that you can tackle your day without suffering from fatigue or hunger. Not merely a caffeine pill, THERMONEX™ contains precisely standardized extracts of weight management supporting plants like green tea, Evodia rutaecarpa, Yerba mate and Citrus aurantium, and thyroid hormone supporting nutrients like L-tyrosine, diiodotyrosine and iodotyrosine. Rather than causing you to “crash”, the energy you get from THERMONEX will stay with you for hours, gradually trailing off so that you can have a restful sleep.
CHEATERS RELIEF™ (one bottle)
Do you ever “cheat” on your diet or stray a little of track? Do you ever eat out? On those occasions that you do, CHEATERS RELIEF™ is the ideal way to safeguard your body against fatty or sugary foods. CHEATERS RELIEF™ helps reduce the absorption of fat, sugar and starch calories, and supports healthy blood sugar and insulin levels. CHEATERS RELIEF™ gives you the freedom to enjoy a broader range of foods and eat out more often without throwing your figure off track.
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