has anyone used the bratis labs anavar recently after the testing last year that was winny? has there been another test since then on any different lots. thanks.
I would assume its always been winny & not just a "mistake" they made in the packaging plant. If anyone is still selling it perhaps they should be made aware that its probably fake or else be ratted out as a scammer.
Bratis may not be scamming anything. Your source or your source's source may be scamming. Even if one batch from one guy/gal at one point in time tested positive, that doesn't mean yours will. The only way to know is to test it. I think it's well worth the $90 to do it if you're terribly concerned.
well said spatts, pay the $90 and test it...if its going in your body, you should know what it is....the only var i dont need to test is papervar...hand down the number one var imo.....