Boxing Tourment in Pikeville, Ky.
Come signup or watch local fighters like Angie Edwards,Tab Cadull and Neil Fannie hit the ring coming to Pikeville,Ky May 26.
Weight ins starts at 3pm, fights starts at 7pm at the Bluegoose Gym.
If you have any questions call MAYFIELDS BOXING GYM
@ 606-432-0100
Hope to see you there!
Come signup or watch local fighters like Angie Edwards,Tab Cadull and Neil Fannie hit the ring coming to Pikeville,Ky May 26.
Weight ins starts at 3pm, fights starts at 7pm at the Bluegoose Gym.
If you have any questions call MAYFIELDS BOXING GYM
@ 606-432-0100
Hope to see you there!