New member
I recently acquired some bold ace powder and I brewed a few bottles just to see what all the fuss what about (pip). I had a 200mg/ml vial and a 100mg/ml vial. Hit a ml of the 200 in my quad and lord help me I had never experienced pain like that in my life! Hit the 100 a week later in my glute and it was pretty painful as well but not near as hardcore. My question is can I make this an oral?? I've considered potency loss and anticipated I would only get 40% potency from oral suspension but if I could avoid the pain then it would def be worth it. Has anyone tried this? I was thinking 125mg/ml oral which at 40% should be 50mg/ml. Any thoughts on this? I've been reading a lot on here but thought it was time to start posting and asking questions. Thanks in advance