Please let me know if you have any questions... Strongman/Bluegrass Rules I.doc
Viking Press (60 seconds) 125 bare
Women L: 75 thick bar for reps
Women H: 100 thick bar for reps
Teen L: 150
Teen H: 175
Light: 200 for max reps
Mid: 225 for max reps
Heavy: 250 for max reps
§ Height should vary with height of competitor. It is the athlete's responsibility to make sure the support stand is at an appropriate height that does not interfere with his regular pressing motion.
§ Chalk only may be used to in this event
§ No towel or other such object in belt.
§ Standard power belt no built up or extra wide belts
§ Feet Position - Athletes feet my not go farther back than 18” from the vertical position if the bar. Athletes’ feet must be parallel and standing in an upright position.
§ Arm Position - When the Viking press is pushed over the athlete’s head and the arms are locked out or motion stopped if the athlete cannot lock out the arm. The Athlete must then wait until judge gives down signal for rep to count. The athlete must maintain both hands on the handles of the apparatus at all times. If he rests the apparatus down on the ground, his turn is over.
§ On each rep the athlete after receiving the down signal must bring the wt. down and touch the chest or go below the chin with the bar before starting the next rep. If the apparatus comes in contact with the ground while the athlete is between repetitions, he may receive one warning. If a second contact is made, his turn will be considered completed.
§ Athletes are not allowed to let the apparatus drop to the ground from the overhead position.
§ The athlete can push press or press the weight into position. They are not allowed to jerk/double dip with the press. The knees MUST lockout before the elbows do.
§ Athlete’s reps will be counted in the pre-determined time limit of 75 seconds
§ Any and all anatomical limitations preventing a lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judge prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete.
§ Neoprene elbow sleeves are allowed on the elbows.
Thick Bar Clean and Press (women)
§ Clean Once, and pressed overhead for reps
§ Axle Diameter – 2”
§ Athlete must clean the axle up to the chest – The athlete can continental the weight if necessary.
§ Arm Position - When the axle press is pushed over the athlete’s head and the arms are locked out or motion stopped if the athlete cannot lock out the arm. The Athlete must then wait until judge gives down signal for rep to count.
§ Feet and Legs at Lockout of the weight - Athletes feet must be parallel and standing in an upright position. Head through, feet parallel, elbows locked.
§ Athletes are not allowed to let the axle drop from the overhead position and they must control the axle on the way down.
§ The athlete can jerk press, push press or press the weight into position
§ The athlete must touch the chest or go below the chin each time the wt. is brought down before pushing the weight back overhead.
§ Athlete’s reps will be counted in the pre-determined time limit of 75 seconds
Conan's Wheel for distance 105 bare
Women L: 300
Women H: 350
Teen L: 350
Teen H: 400
Lightweight: 400 lbs
Middleweight: 500 lbs
Heavyweight: 600 lbs
§ Belt backwards…chalk only, no tacky…sleeves allowed, rubber coated only
§ Bar must be resting in between the athlete’s forearm and biceps.
§ At the lift command the athlete has 60 seconds to lift the wt. and begin the walk.
§ If an athlete puts the apparatus down at anytime after it has been lifted from the ground they are finished
§ Athletes must walk in a clockwise direction
§ When an athlete puts the apparatus down they are finished and their distance is measured.
§ Bar size 4 inches in diameter.
Medley: 4-5 part medley, yoke, tire, duck walk, sled drag
(75 seconds)
Women L: 85 farmers 25’, 185 h stone 25’, 200 duck walk 25’, 200 sled drag 25’
Women heavy: 105 farmers 25’, 225 h stone 25’, 225 duck walk 25’, 250 sled drag 25’
Teen light: 385 yoke 25’, 550 tire 25’, 250 duck walk 25’, 250 sled drag 25’
Teen heavy: 450 yoke 25’, 550 tire 25’, 275 duck walk 25’, 300 sled drag 25’
Light: 450 yoke 25’, 550 tire 3 flips, 275 duck walk, 300 sled 25’
Mid: 550 yoke 25’, 550 tire 3 flips, 325 duck walk, 400 sled 25’
Heavy: 650 yoke 25’, 550 tire 3 flips, 375 duck walk, 500 sled 25’
§ Unlimited sit-downs and pickups
§ Absolutely no sliding (disqualification from Event if obvious, or 2 second penalty if inadvertent)
§ Yoke will be adjustable to various heights.
§ It is the athlete’s responsibility to have the apparatus set to where they want it without causing a delay in the running of the contest.
§ Supportive gear allowed.
§ Yoke must remain on ground until start signal is given.
§ The front of the yoke must cross the end line.
Farmers Walk (women)
§ Unlimited sit-downs and pickups.
§ Absolutely no sliding.
§ Chalk only, no tacky or stick-um.
§ No straps allowed.
§ Front of implement must cross line.
Tire Flip
§ Tacky is NOT allowed in this event. The tire cannot roll on end at any time.
§ The tire will start in an upright position.
§ Athlete can move to next implement when the tire makes three complete flips.
§ The tire cannot be rolled in any manner. It must be flipped end over end.
Husafell Stone (women)
§ Chalk only.
§ Arm sleeves may be used, but must be clean, made of rubber cloth or tape.
§ No other equipment may be used to give one person an advantage over the others. (rings, straps or handles)
§ No tacky or stick-um on the shirts.
§ Belt backwards
§ No resting the weight on the belt
§ Stones will be picked up and loaded on top of 40” barrels. It is the athlete’s responsibility to make sure that the stones are loaded safely to the barrels and do NOT fall off.
Duck Walk
§ Chalk only.
§ No other equipment may be used to give one person an advantage over the others. (rings, straps or handles)
§ No resting the weight/handles on the belt
§ Entire implement must cross the line
Sled Drag
§ At all times, the athlete must drag the sled with hips and buttocks facing and "square" to the sled. If the athlete does not stay facing the sled then ONE warning will be given. After this the athlete will be stopped and marked for distance.
§ The front of the sled must cross the line.
Hercules Hold for time
Women light: 150
Women heavy: 175
Teen light: 175
Teen heavy: 200
Light: 200 pounds
Mid: 250 pounds
Heavy: 300 pounds
§ Revolving handles will be used
§ It is the athlete’s responsibility to make sure that the apparatus is set for their arm length. This should be done before they begin their turn.
§ If any part of the weighted implements touches the ground, the athlete will be stopped and a time will be taken.
§ Straps are not allowed, chalk ONLY.
§ No other equipment may be used to give one person an advantage over the others.
§ Athlete must stand in an erect position, and head must be facing forward and/or upwards.
Atlas Stones, 10 stones for time (75 seconds)
Light: 160, 185, 190, 230, 245, 265, 285, 310, 345, 365
Mid: 160, 185, 190, 230, 245, 265, 285, 310, 345, 365
Heavy: 160, 185, 190, 230, 245, 265, 285, 310, 345, 365
§ Tacky allowed, no chalk or other sticky type substances allowed.
§ Sleeves allowed or taped up or other protective covering.
§ Stones must be loaded in ascending order of weight.
§ Stones must be loaded in a controlled manner. If a stone rolls off or otherwise falls from a platform the athlete must replace it before the athlete can proceed to the next.
§ The athlete will have 75 seconds to complete this event.
§ It is the athlete’s responsibility to make sure that the stones are set in the position that they want it before they begin the event.
Truck Push (women, teens, 75 seconds)
Suburban, 100'
§ Athlete will begin with their body pressed against the bumper of the vehicle.
§ No ‘bumping’ the vehicle will be allowed.
§ The front of the vehicle must cross the finish line.
§ When your name is called you should be COMPLETELY ready and on the platform. Someone will be announcing who is up, who is on deck, and who is in the hole. If your name is called and you are not ready, then you will lose your turn at that event and score ‘0’ for reps and/or distance.
§ Make sure that you have the implement(s) placed EXACTLY where you want them before you begin the event. You should know where you want the implements placed before you walk to the platform. It is YOUR responsibility to place them there.
§ This is a family environment. Please no foul language.
§ Put your trash in the trashcans, this is my home.
§ The rest rooms are my personal rest rooms in my home. Please treat them with respect.
§ Bring chairs to sit in. I might have one or two, but if you don’t plan on sitting on the ground or against a brick wall, you will need to bring your own.
§ Bring drinks. I plan to have ice water the day of the contest but you will need your own bottles to put it in.
§ It will be HOT! Prepare with ice, drinks, sunscreen, etc…
§ It might rain. If it does, we will do the Viking Press, Hercules Hold, and Atlas Stones under a roof. The medley and the Conan’s Wheel will take place in the rain.
§ Bring your own tacky and chalk. We should have a few tubs of tacky for sale that day but will be VERY limited. You will also need something to remove your own tacky (WD40, hand cleaner, cooking spray, towels, etc…).
§ Come with a good attitude and have fun. Strongman/Bluegrass Rules I.doc
Viking Press (60 seconds) 125 bare
Women L: 75 thick bar for reps
Women H: 100 thick bar for reps
Teen L: 150
Teen H: 175
Light: 200 for max reps
Mid: 225 for max reps
Heavy: 250 for max reps
§ Height should vary with height of competitor. It is the athlete's responsibility to make sure the support stand is at an appropriate height that does not interfere with his regular pressing motion.
§ Chalk only may be used to in this event
§ No towel or other such object in belt.
§ Standard power belt no built up or extra wide belts
§ Feet Position - Athletes feet my not go farther back than 18” from the vertical position if the bar. Athletes’ feet must be parallel and standing in an upright position.
§ Arm Position - When the Viking press is pushed over the athlete’s head and the arms are locked out or motion stopped if the athlete cannot lock out the arm. The Athlete must then wait until judge gives down signal for rep to count. The athlete must maintain both hands on the handles of the apparatus at all times. If he rests the apparatus down on the ground, his turn is over.
§ On each rep the athlete after receiving the down signal must bring the wt. down and touch the chest or go below the chin with the bar before starting the next rep. If the apparatus comes in contact with the ground while the athlete is between repetitions, he may receive one warning. If a second contact is made, his turn will be considered completed.
§ Athletes are not allowed to let the apparatus drop to the ground from the overhead position.
§ The athlete can push press or press the weight into position. They are not allowed to jerk/double dip with the press. The knees MUST lockout before the elbows do.
§ Athlete’s reps will be counted in the pre-determined time limit of 75 seconds
§ Any and all anatomical limitations preventing a lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judge prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete.
§ Neoprene elbow sleeves are allowed on the elbows.
Thick Bar Clean and Press (women)
§ Clean Once, and pressed overhead for reps
§ Axle Diameter – 2”
§ Athlete must clean the axle up to the chest – The athlete can continental the weight if necessary.
§ Arm Position - When the axle press is pushed over the athlete’s head and the arms are locked out or motion stopped if the athlete cannot lock out the arm. The Athlete must then wait until judge gives down signal for rep to count.
§ Feet and Legs at Lockout of the weight - Athletes feet must be parallel and standing in an upright position. Head through, feet parallel, elbows locked.
§ Athletes are not allowed to let the axle drop from the overhead position and they must control the axle on the way down.
§ The athlete can jerk press, push press or press the weight into position
§ The athlete must touch the chest or go below the chin each time the wt. is brought down before pushing the weight back overhead.
§ Athlete’s reps will be counted in the pre-determined time limit of 75 seconds
Conan's Wheel for distance 105 bare
Women L: 300
Women H: 350
Teen L: 350
Teen H: 400
Lightweight: 400 lbs
Middleweight: 500 lbs
Heavyweight: 600 lbs
§ Belt backwards…chalk only, no tacky…sleeves allowed, rubber coated only
§ Bar must be resting in between the athlete’s forearm and biceps.
§ At the lift command the athlete has 60 seconds to lift the wt. and begin the walk.
§ If an athlete puts the apparatus down at anytime after it has been lifted from the ground they are finished
§ Athletes must walk in a clockwise direction
§ When an athlete puts the apparatus down they are finished and their distance is measured.
§ Bar size 4 inches in diameter.
Medley: 4-5 part medley, yoke, tire, duck walk, sled drag
(75 seconds)
Women L: 85 farmers 25’, 185 h stone 25’, 200 duck walk 25’, 200 sled drag 25’
Women heavy: 105 farmers 25’, 225 h stone 25’, 225 duck walk 25’, 250 sled drag 25’
Teen light: 385 yoke 25’, 550 tire 25’, 250 duck walk 25’, 250 sled drag 25’
Teen heavy: 450 yoke 25’, 550 tire 25’, 275 duck walk 25’, 300 sled drag 25’
Light: 450 yoke 25’, 550 tire 3 flips, 275 duck walk, 300 sled 25’
Mid: 550 yoke 25’, 550 tire 3 flips, 325 duck walk, 400 sled 25’
Heavy: 650 yoke 25’, 550 tire 3 flips, 375 duck walk, 500 sled 25’
§ Unlimited sit-downs and pickups
§ Absolutely no sliding (disqualification from Event if obvious, or 2 second penalty if inadvertent)
§ Yoke will be adjustable to various heights.
§ It is the athlete’s responsibility to have the apparatus set to where they want it without causing a delay in the running of the contest.
§ Supportive gear allowed.
§ Yoke must remain on ground until start signal is given.
§ The front of the yoke must cross the end line.
Farmers Walk (women)
§ Unlimited sit-downs and pickups.
§ Absolutely no sliding.
§ Chalk only, no tacky or stick-um.
§ No straps allowed.
§ Front of implement must cross line.
Tire Flip
§ Tacky is NOT allowed in this event. The tire cannot roll on end at any time.
§ The tire will start in an upright position.
§ Athlete can move to next implement when the tire makes three complete flips.
§ The tire cannot be rolled in any manner. It must be flipped end over end.
Husafell Stone (women)
§ Chalk only.
§ Arm sleeves may be used, but must be clean, made of rubber cloth or tape.
§ No other equipment may be used to give one person an advantage over the others. (rings, straps or handles)
§ No tacky or stick-um on the shirts.
§ Belt backwards
§ No resting the weight on the belt
§ Stones will be picked up and loaded on top of 40” barrels. It is the athlete’s responsibility to make sure that the stones are loaded safely to the barrels and do NOT fall off.
Duck Walk
§ Chalk only.
§ No other equipment may be used to give one person an advantage over the others. (rings, straps or handles)
§ No resting the weight/handles on the belt
§ Entire implement must cross the line
Sled Drag
§ At all times, the athlete must drag the sled with hips and buttocks facing and "square" to the sled. If the athlete does not stay facing the sled then ONE warning will be given. After this the athlete will be stopped and marked for distance.
§ The front of the sled must cross the line.
Hercules Hold for time
Women light: 150
Women heavy: 175
Teen light: 175
Teen heavy: 200
Light: 200 pounds
Mid: 250 pounds
Heavy: 300 pounds
§ Revolving handles will be used
§ It is the athlete’s responsibility to make sure that the apparatus is set for their arm length. This should be done before they begin their turn.
§ If any part of the weighted implements touches the ground, the athlete will be stopped and a time will be taken.
§ Straps are not allowed, chalk ONLY.
§ No other equipment may be used to give one person an advantage over the others.
§ Athlete must stand in an erect position, and head must be facing forward and/or upwards.
Atlas Stones, 10 stones for time (75 seconds)
Light: 160, 185, 190, 230, 245, 265, 285, 310, 345, 365
Mid: 160, 185, 190, 230, 245, 265, 285, 310, 345, 365
Heavy: 160, 185, 190, 230, 245, 265, 285, 310, 345, 365
§ Tacky allowed, no chalk or other sticky type substances allowed.
§ Sleeves allowed or taped up or other protective covering.
§ Stones must be loaded in ascending order of weight.
§ Stones must be loaded in a controlled manner. If a stone rolls off or otherwise falls from a platform the athlete must replace it before the athlete can proceed to the next.
§ The athlete will have 75 seconds to complete this event.
§ It is the athlete’s responsibility to make sure that the stones are set in the position that they want it before they begin the event.
Truck Push (women, teens, 75 seconds)
Suburban, 100'
§ Athlete will begin with their body pressed against the bumper of the vehicle.
§ No ‘bumping’ the vehicle will be allowed.
§ The front of the vehicle must cross the finish line.
§ When your name is called you should be COMPLETELY ready and on the platform. Someone will be announcing who is up, who is on deck, and who is in the hole. If your name is called and you are not ready, then you will lose your turn at that event and score ‘0’ for reps and/or distance.
§ Make sure that you have the implement(s) placed EXACTLY where you want them before you begin the event. You should know where you want the implements placed before you walk to the platform. It is YOUR responsibility to place them there.
§ This is a family environment. Please no foul language.
§ Put your trash in the trashcans, this is my home.
§ The rest rooms are my personal rest rooms in my home. Please treat them with respect.
§ Bring chairs to sit in. I might have one or two, but if you don’t plan on sitting on the ground or against a brick wall, you will need to bring your own.
§ Bring drinks. I plan to have ice water the day of the contest but you will need your own bottles to put it in.
§ It will be HOT! Prepare with ice, drinks, sunscreen, etc…
§ It might rain. If it does, we will do the Viking Press, Hercules Hold, and Atlas Stones under a roof. The medley and the Conan’s Wheel will take place in the rain.
§ Bring your own tacky and chalk. We should have a few tubs of tacky for sale that day but will be VERY limited. You will also need something to remove your own tacky (WD40, hand cleaner, cooking spray, towels, etc…).
§ Come with a good attitude and have fun.